kaso profile picture


nice guys finish last =)

About Me

I am an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear. I don't perspire.
I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. I have been caller number nine and have won the weekend passes.
Last summer I toured New Jersey with a traveling centrifugal-force demonstration. I bat 400.

Latest captures:
check them out @ my fotki
Albums: 4th of July, Fellowship Dinner, Anniv ThnxGiving 1& 2, Art Exhibit, Skating, Randomness

My Interests


my friends:


cb crew:



mid 2006:

and the first cb shot:

dumb things like...
kingda kama, pt1:

kingda kama, pt2:

giving joy to other people's lives...


taking pictures:
random cws, holy supper 2004

holy supper 2005, cws bbq, six flags with kris

family olympics 2005, LIC victory party, victory dinner, dinner @ Roy's

lian's cpk-year2, long beach trip, cws back to school

kris bye bye, airsoft nov5, cws year-end thanksgiving, year end thanksgiving

ice skating 12/26, bronx new year's, snowboarding @ camelback, kris & nory's weekend visit

bilang's house party, LIC year end, CWS leadership dinner, jeane byebye, snowboarding @ hunter mtn

football @ astoria park(ing lot), my birthday, january kadiwa meeting, snowboarding 2.11.06, blizzard, katrina's punk rock birthday dinner

visitors, foggy's birthday dinner (some NSFW pics), nory's brokeback visit, leanna-arnold wedding, david-vergara wedding, long beach-5.28.06, long beach-6.5.06, bernard's bday bbq, guerrero-rosado wedding, kris&nory visit, jnxt & glo @ D&B, Family Olympics 2006, "Victory" dinner @ Dallas BBQ

Anniversary Thanksgiving, Six Flags 7.25.06, Ronan's Birthday Dinner, Bernard's going-away dinner, Yankee Game 8.1.06, Dinner @ CPK, Music Day, US Open, Dixie's Birthday, Lani's Birthday/Girlie's going away, ALDS-Game 1, Edeneth's Birthday @ Bubba Gump

Stan's Birthday, Monet's Birthday, CWS Year-End Thanksgiving, Year-End Thanksgiving, 12/25 Ice Skating, Bronx 2007 New Year, Ric's Birthday, My Birthday, Ron's Birthday, Agustin Visitation, Band Practice, CWS Movie Night, Apres H.S., Snowboarding, Elephants' Walk, Chilhiz's Birthday, JL's House, Yankees-Orioles April 7

Cordero-Manera Wedding, Maan's Birthday Party, Revlon Run/Walk, Hawaiian Vacation, Memorial Day 2007, Logan King David, Birthday BBQ for Randy and Levin, Skydiving, Summer Fun (Bryant Park, Cooking Con Karimi, Shake Shack, Tatay Day), Grad Party for Pianas, LB for Jnxt & CO

all newer pictures will be found @ my fotki



I'd like to meet:

once in everyone's life there was somebody who touched a spot so deep, so precious, that the mind always retreated, in time of need, to that cherished place, seeking comfort within memories that never seemed to disappoint

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american history x, hitch, battle royale, harold & kumar, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, LOTR, harry potter, sin city, anchorman, batman begins, mr. & mrs. smith, the girl next door, 50 first dates, the wedding singer, momento, fight club, serendipity


HEROES, smallville, sportscenter, food network's 'secret life of...', MythBusters, Family Guy, Futurama


a clockwork orange, a child called it, the lost boy, the da vinci code, angels and demons, the rule of four, the five people you meet in heaven, my management textbook, the alchemist, deception point, the notebook, digital fortress, eats, shoots & leaves, the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, 100%, the zahir, the third secret, the phantom of the opera, the amber room, the romanov prophecy, the templar legacy, map of bones, sandstorm, black order, prey, shooter


all the members of Team Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Wolf Squadron
"The Earth spins at a thousand miles an hour as we desperately try to keep from being thrown off"
"...we must remember that all these things, the nuances, the anomalies, the subtleties, which we assume only accessorize our days, are effective for a much larger and nobler cause"
"eat all you want... you're already fat"
"They don't make mistakes. They don't do random. There's always an objective, always a target."
those google guys...they're awesome.
and calvin