TwilightFairy888 profile picture


From You Something Clever? Never.

About Me

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Don't Take Me So Seriously And Know It's All In Love, Remember These Things And I May Be The Best Friend You Ever Had.******************************************************** ************************************************************ *StupidlySeekingSomethingUnkownWhenFoundIFindIDon'tWantItAnd NeverDidAtAllYourTouchCurruptsMyGoodIntentionsCloudsClearAwa yMyGoodJudgementMakingMeMyOwnWorseEnemyIHateYouForPraisingMe AGoddessWimperingAllAloneSmashedPedestalPiecesAllAroundMyDar kLittleCorner*********************************************** ************************************************************ ***********Anyone who says they knew exactly who she was didn't really know her at all.******************************************************** **********************************************************An d the sign said "Long Haired Freaky People Need Not Apply."***************************************************** ************************************************************ *****"I ALWAYS GIVE MYSELF VERY GOOD ADVICE BUT I VERY SELDOM FOLLOW IT."******************************************************** **********************************************************"T here Is No Future There Is No Past. Thank God This Moment's Not The Last. There's Only Us. There's Only This. Forget Regrets Or Life Is Yours To Miss. No Other Road. No Other Way. No Day But Today."***************************************************** ************************************************************ ***********************************SO YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP ME AND SPIT IN MY EYE? SO YOU THINK YOU CAN LOVE ME AND LEAVE ME TO DIE?"******************************************************* ************************************************************ **********************************I WOULD DIE FOR YOU, I WOULD KILL FOR YOU, I WILL LIVE FOR YOU, FOR YOU I WOULD BECOME IMMORTAL.*************************************************** ******** ************************************************************ ******************************So maybe I took too many doses of St. John's Wort, WHATEVER!*************************************************** ************************************************************ ******************************THERE IS NO YOU, THERE IS ONLY ME. THERE IS NO FUCKING YOU, THERE IS ONLY ME. I JUST MADE YOU UP TO HURT MYSELF.***************************************************** ************************************************************ ****************************Remember all you playas WWND??****************************************************** ************************************************************ ****I'm Like an onion, or an ogre.******************************************************* ************************************************************ **************************But I'm always dreaming, even when I'm awake, it's never finished.*************************************************** *****************************************************REVENGE IS A DISH BEST SERVED CRAZYAnd yes blue eyes I will get mine.******************************************************* ************************************************************ ***Sure there are 7 New England states, but Connecticut really doesn't count.****************************************************** ************************************************************ ****If you show me your penis I'm going to take it away from you.

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Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is... ..type='text' name='Your name is...' value='Natasha' size='20'
Your kiss is... delicious
Your hugs are... to die for
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... the only thing I desire
Your smell is... beautiful
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... one of a kind
..type='submit' value='Fill Out Your Answers and Try it!'
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You are blessed with FAERY wings. Beauty,
laughter, life, magic...that's what you are all
about. You are refreshingly innocent and happy
with your life of purity and play. Life's a
game and it's a good one. In your eyes there's
no way to lose! You can be very mischeivous and
have been known to cause trouble, but it's all
in the name of fun and not meant to really harm
anyone. You like to play tricks on people who
aren't quite as bright or clever as you - which
is almost everyone. Nature is the setting you
prefer to be in - Always. Barefoot and wild you
can't be tamed. You're probably a restless
spirit who loves to travel, and quite a
dreamer. Your creativity is astounding and your
art (of whatever media - from writing to
painting to drama) is like something from
another world - ethereal and often very
fantasy-oriented. You can either be a social
butterfly or a loner with their head in the
clouds - but rarely inbetween. You stubbornly
refuse to accept responsibility or to give in
to the wishes of others - unless you feel like
it. You have a strong passion for music and
can't imagine life without it. You'll grow up
someday, but you'll always be a child at heart.
You are adventurous and love to take risks, and
feel a deep connection with the weather,
plants, and animals. You prefer sunshine to
thunder or snow, the warmth of summer to
autumn's chill, and quiet forests to suburban
backyards. Magic through and through, you are
far more powerful than you seem, and are
capable of being extremely passionate. Though
you can be childish, naive, stubborn, and
self-absorbed, one thing is certain - life with
you will never be boring!Image copyright Sheila Wolk (prints available
through, words added by
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
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My cousin sent this to me, she says it reminds her of us. How cute is she huh? I LOVE YOU GEENIE!This pic is beautiful... and's great really..."; I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

I have lots of different interests, if you talk about it, I'll listen and give input. If you do it, I'll do it with you and try to make it fun.

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..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!Take the quiz:
What kind of eyes do you have?

Your eyes are scared. Your eyes are scared of pain, or rejection. You know how much it hurts to lose someone u cared for, but in return they dumped you like a sack of potatoes! Someday you will find your special friend, or lover, so dont stay hidden too much. You have also seen much misery when it comes to guy too, so you pefer to keep it safe, and keep your heart locked up from everyone guy that seems to be interested. You dont wanna go through anymore pain....

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
What kind of eyes do you have?

your eyes have never seen a cloudy day. Your eyes are very big and beautiful, and you loves animals and getting into a little inncoent trouble every here and see the world like a big playground. when u see something new you dont hesatate to try it out, or get a closer look.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!I want to make 1/2 Fairy 1/2 Mermaid Babies!..

I'd like to meet:

You're Free To Leave Me Just Don't Deceive Me And Please Believe Me When I Say I Love You.******************************************************** ************************************************************ *IF I GAVE YOU MY NUMBER WOULD IT STILL BE THE SAME? IF I SAVED YOU FROM DROWNING, PROMISE ME YOU'LL NEVER GO AWAY, PROMISE ME YOU'LL ALWAYS STAY.******************************************************* ************************************************************ ***EEEWWW!!! CAN'T YOU LOVE ME WITHOUT TOUCHING ME??!!****************************************************** *****MEN ARE CREEPY. THEY JUST ARE, ALL MEN ARE CREEPY, SOME MORE THAN OTHERS.***************************************************** ************************************************************ *****You don't have to be anyone because being somebody doesn't make you anyone anyway.***************************************************** ************************************************************ ****Graze on my lips; and if those hills be dry, Stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie.******************************************************** ************************************************************ *At this point I consider a true friend to be anyone who passes by in my life without stabbing me.

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I love music, I do not have one kind I like, there is very little I do not like. I sing and write lyrics. I am too afraid to sing in front f anyone but my little sisters, if anyone can help me overcome this, I will love you forever, it is sooo bad. When I do sing in front of anyone I get so nervous I choke up and sound like a dying cat. Also, I have a guitar i don't know how to play. I try but get really discouraged, I feel like I don't even know where to start. Someday I will overcome these things, I would love to sing my own songs some day, in a band or on my own, famous or not, but, to do something great with it.

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I won't be able to name all of them because my mind always goes blank on questions like this but here are a few. The Crow, The Dark Crystal, Interview with the Vampire, Nightmare Before Christmas, Seven, Boondock Saints, Empire Records, Narnia The Lion the With and the Wardrobe (Love those books), The Brave Little Toaster, Labyrinth, Greese, Dirty Dancing, The Newsies, The Princess Bride (I'm a total 80's baby girl), , Anastasia, Beyond the Sea, Ahhh I can't think I'll add more later. Which Rocky Horror character are you?
You are Colombia. You rock in that special way only the squeaky can.
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Sometimes I watch it. About 90% of the time it's on the Disney channel though. I enjoy silly sitcoms when I'm about to go to bed, Frasier, Becker, I also like the Oxygen channel, yay Snapped! Hahaha.


I do not have a favorite. I love anything by Francesca Lia Block, Neil Gaiman, Shel Silverstein, Edgar Allen Poe, and Dr. Seuss. Those are just a few, I'll add them as I think of them, as I said my mind goes blank on these things. Oh and of course Shakespeare, whoever he/she/they really was/were/is.


My parents, they are awesome.

My Blog

Here's Some Drug Awareness For Ya

..> ..>     I took this from my friend Big E's blog. Some of you know my own personal beliefs on drugs, some of you do not, that's not the point, here I am just giving another side of...
Posted by TwilightFairy888 on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 09:56:00 PST

How do you know when someone's lying? They're breathing.

As I was driving out of the cemetary tonight I had a strong sense of fear and dread. That's right, as I was leaving it, not as I was entering. Entering I felt fine, except for knowing full well that a...
Posted by TwilightFairy888 on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 11:10:00 PST


I have absolutely no plans whatsoever but I just want to see as many of my friends as possible so Saturday night I want to go out and just party... any good cheap ideas? I have no money either,lol. So...
Posted by TwilightFairy888 on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 12:45:00 PST

Cuz It Reminds Me

I added Dire Straights' "Sultans of Swing" because well... because it reminds me of sex. Any song by Dire Straights' reminds me of sex but this one in particular. Only one other person in this world r...
Posted by TwilightFairy888 on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 01:51:00 PST

The Aftermath Of The Festival

Wow where's my head at today??? I am way wicked still lost in lala raver land, having a difficult time getting back to reality back to life. Have bills to pay and work today and that will be fun... go...
Posted by TwilightFairy888 on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 12:28:00 PST

My F-ing Theory

    Test Your Brain> This is really cool. The second one is amazing so please>read all the way though.>>>>>>>>>>> ALZHEIMERS' EYE TEST>>> Count every " F" in the following text:>> FINISHED F...
Posted by TwilightFairy888 on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 03:53:00 PST

Pic Change Again You Know It

Along Came A Spider And Sat Down Beside Her         Previous  | Next  > table {width:400px;} table tr, th, td {border:1px solid #6699CC; text-align:l...
Posted by TwilightFairy888 on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 11:48:00 PST

Some pics of friends

Friends Ohio Friends     Kayla and Me     Cali and Me Bethany with a backdrop of the Ohio sunset ...
Posted by TwilightFairy888 on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 10:58:00 PST


Ok so it's great that everyone respects and honors those who fight for our country, even if you do not agree with war and everything else, trust me, I don't either. I do know though that atleast some ...
Posted by TwilightFairy888 on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 08:52:00 PST

More EVIL crap

Satanist do not worship Satan and are not in general evil and violent people. Witches, in general, have nothing to do with Satanists or Satan.Pagans also, in general, do not have anything to do with S...
Posted by TwilightFairy888 on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 09:13:00 PST