*Kathy* aka Richards Mom profile picture

*Kathy* aka Richards Mom

If God brings you to it, he'll bring you through it.

About Me

Weather Forecasts | Weather Maps | Weather RadarWell, I'm finally Happily Married. Which happened in March of 2006. To a wonderful man named Toby. The one I've been waiting for and praying for all my life. My kids are getting older they are now 18 and 16. Teenage years SUCK!! But of course I still love them very much. :o) They are my babies no matter what age. I have three dogs Diesel who is a male german shephard mix. Brody, who is a male Jack Russell, lastly, a female Corgi named Case. As you can tell, no more kids for me. No more dogs either. :o) I work at an Elementary School in the kitchen, three hours a day. It's a nice job, I love the kids they are so cute. Life is good though. I can't complain too much.MySpace Layouts
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My Interests

I LOVE being with my Husband when he is off. I LOVE Football! Favorite team...Baltimore Ravens! Never been to a game but will soon. Also NASCAR, favorite driver of course...Jeff Gordon! Been to Brickyard 400 (allstate 400) for the past three yrs. will be going again this yr.

I'd like to meet:

All of my old friends! Keifer Sutherland (WOW), Ray Lewis (go Ravens!), Jeff Gordon (fav. show 24 fav. driver 24 Ha!) Payton Manning (awesome QB) I would freak if I met any star really.


I like just about anything except really hard rock, I don't like country much anymore either. Other then that, I'm good.


I Love the Movie "Lake House" "A Walk in the Clouds" "Mystic River" great movie! So many more.


I don't watch much TV. But I do watch 24, my favorite show, when it's on. I also watch "House" great show. Of course Football! Pro and College.


Anything by Phillipa Gregory.


Firstly, Jesus, my Lord and Savior then My Birth Mother, thanks for giving me life, I love you.

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