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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Professional entertainer who is always looking for the epitome of the best time that a mere mortal can have on this earth without going over the edge (well sometimes) in this City of Broken Dreams. I have traveled somewhat extensively around the world, partied with a lot of different cultures, and I have realized that we (as Americans in general) don't have a freaking clue how to party like the rest of the world!!! You think Mardi Gras in New Orleans is wild? Try hanging out for a weekend in Rio de Jeneiro and Buenos Aires right around the Carnivale season. Enough said about that, beeyotch!!! About me.... I am a very laid-back, intuitive, intellectual, sports-minded, active, adventurous, and rennaissance type of person. I believe that chivalry is NOT dead, but there are also the occasional personas that really don't deserve it. The activities that I enjoy most are playing the piano, writing great songs for all the surreal moments of my life, surfing, skydiving, hang gliding, blading, cooking, reading, finding my inner chi, yoga, feeling healthy (most of the time), working with kids, acting, watching movies that pleasantly give me a beautiful mind-funk, seeing great concerts that blow me away, critically-acclaimed plays, hiking, whacking balls on the tennis court, jumping out of a moving airplane, driving my jeep around on a sunny day, dancing my ass off to great House music, and just trying to find a way to get my groove on. Also, I'm REALLY trying to save the world in the meantime. Saving the planet one soda can at a time!! MySpace Layouts - Get This Layout

My Interests


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I'd like to meet:

People who like to have fun at anything they're doing and who do not take themselves too seriously.
Retro Myspace Myspace Codes, Layouts, Graphics


Anything original (including my own music), jazz, electronica, hip-hop, trip-hop, classic rock, alternative rock, British rock, classical, and ambient House. Groups include Coldplay, Billy Joel, Chemical Brothers, Propellerheads, Portishead, Fatboy Slim, 311, Jack Johnson, Dave Matthews, Elton John, Billy Joel, Grateful Dead, Muse, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Phish, Sublime, Everything But the Girl, Tricky, Beck, Wilco, Pink Floyd, and anything with a groove that gets my nipples hard.... Myspace Codes, Layouts, Graphics


Basic Instinct, 2001, 2010, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Contact, The Princess Bride, Indiana Jones Trilogy, The Matrix, Tron, Real Genius, Weird Science, Revenge of the Nerds, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Buehler's Day Off, Fight Club, Gattica, School of Rock, and Great Expectations.....oh yeah, anything with Gwyneth Paltrow.


Don't watch much television these days.....I guess Seinfeld, Dave Chappelle, Mind of Mencia, and anything on Comedy Channel are what I watch when I'm watching.


On the Road, Brave New World, The Da Vinci Code, 1984, 2001, Redezvous with Rama, Le Femme Nikita, The Stand, The Face, Strangers, Kite Runner, The Light of the Other Day, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Christine, Foundation Series....


Billy Joel, my Dad, Chris Martin, Michael Moore, Ben Franklin, and all the stars and bars that have inspired me in this universe.

My Blog

Living in a Disjointed Reality

Has anyone ever mentioned to you that dating in Los Angeles is like trying to find a diamond on the bottom of dark, murky, turbulent, and poisonous ocean of bullshit?I really believe that this city wi...
Posted by Jay on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 07:47:00 PST