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About Me

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My Interests

To be honest i dont have that many interests apart from my music, im wrapped up in it 24 hours a day so its hard to think about anything else! My other main interest is travellin so if my band make it big (fingers crossed) then hopefully ill get to do alot of that!

I'd like to meet:

Id give my right arm to meet Stevie Wonder so if Jims readin this, fix it for me please mate! He's been an inspiration in my life and im sure many other peoples. On a more personal note id absolutely love to meet Ricky Gervais, he is definately the funniest man on the planet and ive missed out on seeing him live twice now! one day soon though!


I grew up listening to a lot of soul and mowtown but as my taste hardened i got into rock and legends such as 'Jagger' and 'Axl Rose' were huge inspirations and are two big reasons why i wanted to perform! vocally im inspired by singers such as Stevie Wonder, Michael Macdonald and Freddy mercury!


Im not ashamed to say that i like all the old classics like 'Ghost', 'Pretty Woman' and 'Dirty Dancing'! Not very rock n roll i know but i like films with good story lines...sorry! ha. I also think that The Shawshank Redemption is an amazing film!


I dont watch a lot of tv to be honest but i'll always find the time for any Ricky Gervais program (The office being an obvious classic but Extras wasnt too far behind!) im also a huge fan of 24, amazing concept!


Ive only read two books in my life, 'The Divinci Code' and 'Johny Depps Autobiography'! Both were very good!


Im not gonna sit here and name famous heroes like everyone else would cos i dont have any, my heroes are members of my family and friends cos all of them have helped me through difficult times in my life!