LIVE GIGS: From small clubs to large festivals around South Africa with the following bands, to name but a few:
Kitchen Utensils * Mars Bars * Velve * Mind Mouth Mic * Jazz Workshop Biggish Band * Septic Minky * Skanky Corp * A – Bomb * Inadiflow *
The Andy Jamieson Band * Black Betty * George Werner Project * James Kibby Project * Acid Blues * Jammination (Melbourne, Aus) I am currently playing with Dirty Scoundrel(Melbourne, Aus)
I have also sat in on gigs in England & Malawi
STUDIO: Played a number of sessions and recorded with Enkeleen, Velve, and on these full-length studio albums:The Andy Jamieson Band
Emotional Engineering
(click to listen)
and, most recently, the James Kibby Project - Nowhere to Hide.
I produce music as 'primaudiol' and have independently released 'jawbreaker-neckbreaker' (click to listen)
My second album is almost complete and is sounding kick-ass, if I do say so myself
For more info my production projects, check out my resume in my blogs
I Think Rupert Murdoch is one of the most morally irresponsible men in power in the world today. He owns Myspace so, if you need to message me, rather do it on Facebook...(Just click the link below)