Reading, watching flicks, playing basketball, running, wallowing in existential melancholy.
Well, just about anyone. I wouldn't mind a stalker or two, someone to lurk in the trees outside my house and root through my rubbish, so if you've got those tendencies I'd love to make your acquaintance. Bonus for all you stalkers-to-be: I'm terribly lazy so there's a good chance I wouldn't get a restraining order even if my life was in mortal peril. Then again, it's pretty arrogant of me to think I'm in any way stalk-able, as if anything about me might compel another human being to such one-minded obsessive fervor; the number of people who might conceivably be obsessed with weird orange-haired hermit writers has to be in the single digits worldwide. But us weird orange-haired hermits can dream, can we not?Craig Davidson
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Tons. Some all time faves: The Tragically Hip, Marc Cohn, Jack's Mannequin/ Something Corporate, Oasis, The Northern Pikes. Lots more. I'm a huge Limewire thief, so it's all a matter of downloading a particular song I like and playing it ad nauseum until I'm deeply sick of it.
Again, tons. Some faves: True Romance, Krull, Things to do in Denver when You're Dead ... man, so many. Horror that doesn't take itself so seriously: Sean of the Dead, Slither, Dead Alive. Lots of cult-y stuff, too. I'll watch anything, really.
Same deal. Watch tons of it. Recently have enjoyed: Entourage, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, 3 Pounds (I heard it was cancelled; too bad, Stanley Tucci was great in it), Deadwood, list goes on and on. Unlike some other overeducated SOBs, I don't really feel it's cool or a sign of good breeding to claim to know nothing about pop culture, to wear one's complete ignorance of TV and celebrity culture and whatever else on the sleeve of one's elbow-pathed jacket like a badge of honor or something. I'll admit I watch too much tube, though, but I get plenty of ideas from it so it's worthwhile.
TOO MANY TO LIST. Some fave authors (not because they blurbed my own books): Bret Easton Ellis, Clive Barker, Chuck Palahniuk, Thom Jones, Peter Straub, Joseph Boyden, Irvine Welsh, Stephen King, Newton Thornberg (Check out CUTTER AND BONE; one of the great under-read novels of all time), Richard Russo, John Irving, David J. Schow, Joe R Lansdale, Brian Keene, Joe Hill ... I could go on and on and on. I'm always reading-it jibes well with my hermit lifestyle.