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Paul S.

Ill come to you like an affliction,but ill leave you like an addiction.. you'll never forget me...

About Me

just your fun loving, happy go lucky, Greek guy! I try not to stress out about life, Just decided to change my career and left the bland life of a banker, and decided to go back to school to finish what i started. Anyway besides that people say I am the trusting type, loves to swim & coach.I like to get a smile out of someone. Want to know more? just ask! surprise me! one of my favorite quotes - "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

My Interests

American Cities That Best Fit You:

70% New York City
65% Chicago
65% Los Angeles
60% Philadelphia
55% Boston Which American Cities Best Fit You?

I'd like to meet:

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

two of the coolest people I met! listen to her music as well as rosko's!!


Lets see, anything not from a "cookie cutter" group my stereo system eats those groups for lunch! I do prefer rock/hard alternative material and a little electronica, just as long as its not country or gangsta rap If i had to pick a few groups based in my diverse collection it would be Cake, Guns&Roses, Gravity Kills,Stevie Ray Vaughn, Led Zeppelin and classical! however i do prefer live music,Just saw The Police perform this august,what a show! In the past year I recently saw Depesche Mode Interpol, The Cure,Thursday plus many of the local talent around NJ/NYC, Cover groups like Freak( gotta love those crazy cartoons!) and others down on the shore circuit when i am partying it up in Belmar and The Point. i would love to see/seen Bond, From Good Homes, Stone Temple Pilots and Stone Roses. oh yeah grew up on those "Don't forget about me" 80's groups, remember the cars? smithereens? Iron Maiden? Level42??


Anything where the plaot is not mindless but those tend to be very humorous so I guess im up for anything!


thank God for TIVO!!!!I the only shows worth watching are Entourage, 24, Dr Who, & Rescue Me


I love to read, Just finished up tony fletcher's bio of the ultimate drummer and party animal - KEITH MOON big on history -two presently reading; The Great Depression; America 1929-1941 by Robert s McElvaine, Paris 1919, by Margaret Macmillian and finishing up my personalized signed copy of No Ordinary Time by Doris Kearns Goodwin books written by Michael Savage I do read fiction for amusement too.


GI joe, a real american hero!&lou dobbs

My Blog

robin williams has an idea about immigration

  Another interesting point of view by a famous comedian your thoughts please: The Plan!   Robin Williams, wearing a shirt that says "I love New York " in Arabic. (not seen here)Y...
Posted by Paul S. on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:04:00 PST

this whole michael vick thing

you hear all these people scream for his head, saying they should ban him from ever playing NFL football, why? I say let him serve a suspension then the falcons can decide if they want him back. If no...
Posted by Paul S. on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 02:20:00 PST

illegals - NO!

got this from an editorial piece, what do you think? I am angry that my government meddles in the lives of people all over the world but looks the other way on the catastrophic issue of what to do abo...
Posted by Paul S. on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 09:14:00 PST

do not use those profile trackers!

Do NOT Use Who's On My Page/MySpace trackers- ITS SPYWARE!! I could really care less about who views my page and who doesnt and really to be honest I wouldnt recommend anyone installing or using any...
Posted by Paul S. on Fri, 05 May 2006 09:50:00 PST

I hate "Mad"Mike Milbury

the trading deadline has passed and the islanders have traded away my favorite player on the team - Mark Parrish, and another player (Sopel) for two young minor league players that have not proven the...
Posted by Paul S. on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 11:28:00 PST