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G'DAY from Kyirrie Down Under!!!

About Me

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Well I thought the last time I came on here and put a profile on, that it would actually be here! But there you go, and unexpected error, and off goes my profile into cyberspace! :) Maybe I'll be third time lucky! :) Ok I am a mum of 5, I'm a freelance photographer in the tourism industry, an AVON rep, and Neways consultant, and Youngevity rep. I am a SETI@home participant, so I am interested in looking for signals from ET! I am not as able bodied as I used to be as I and most of my cousins have a genetic spinal disorder called Scheuermann's Disease, which is causing abnormal wear on my discs and endplates, so I am on painkillers for the rest of my life unless something comes along in stem cell research. I consider myself lucky though as my GP gave me only five years, when he diagnosed me, before I'd be wheelchair bound, and even though I was paralysed from the waiste down for a time, my will to do my physiotherapy and walk again, got me walking again within 9 months.I am a happy person on the whole, very spiritual, not religious though, my faith comes from within. I accept all people of all nationalities,races, religions as long as they have respect for people and life in general. I love the simple things in life, sunrises, sunsets, moonrise over my dam, watching the wildlife going about their daily routines, looking at the stars, and the clouds, enjoying the smell of blossoms in the air, and the smell of rain in the air and on the ground. I love lifes mysteries. I am also a Holosync meditation participant, I'm keen to see if it works, and I must say, that considering what I have been through of late (almost bankrupt, my mother's death before Christmas), it DOES seem to work. My tolerance level of just about everything seems to have increased. Nothing is too much of a problem. That's how it should be, just floating along and letting what has to :)

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My Interests

I am an UFO and anomaly researcher, artist and a Rosicrucian student. I previously was founder and co-ordinator of a local group called Paradox UFO & Anomaly Research, until family committments and worries, meant closure on a group basis, but I am still interested in data gathering as an individual. I am interested in crop formations and ancient Egyptian and Sumerian history, particularly the Anunnaki, the Gods of the ancient Sumerians. I love astronomy. I am a freelance photographer, doing local tourism photography, and I have worked for Bartel Calendars and souvenirs, and Hallmark Cards in Australia.

I'd like to meet:

I am happy to be friends with anyone of similar interests, or even different really doesn't matter. One thing though, I'm happily married so I'm not looking for anything along those lines :)


New age, relaxation, world music, smooth jazz, R&B, celtic you name it! Don't like heavy metal tho'


Da Vinci Code, Contact, ET, Harry Potter, The 'Burbs, Lord of the Rings, the Star Wars movies.


CSI, NCIS, Are you being served?, Some mother do 'ave 'em, My name is Earl, Criminal Intent, That 70's show, X-Files (LOVE IT!!!), Dr. Who,


Celestine Prophesy, The Tenth Insight, The Secret of Shambahla( all James Redfield books), Zecharia Sitchen books (Tenth Planet, Lost Book of Enki etc), The Holy Blood and Holy Grail, Finger Prints of the Gods, Anatomy of Spirit(Carolyn Myss), The Magdalene Legacy (Lawerence Gardner), Top Secret/Majic (Stanton Friedman)


Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Isaac Newton, they all overcame extreme difficulties in changing the course of history. In this time period...Carl Sagan, he inspired me with his tv show called Cosmos. And my parents...for being great parents, protectors and providers.

My Blog


G'Day to you all my good friends! We survived the rain! Actually where I live on the south coast of New South Wales, 2 hours south of Sydney, we weren't terribly affected by the flooding, not to the ...
Posted by Kyirrie on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:13:00 PST

Higher Dimensional concepts for Lower Dimensional Mindsets

Hi fellow bloggers, I thought I would share this piece of writing with you which a dear friend of mine, Roy, shared with me. For those treading the spiritual path, like myself, you may find this...
Posted by Kyirrie on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 11:03:00 PST

Can U read this?

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe in 100 can.i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan ...
Posted by Kyirrie on Sat, 26 May 2007 04:20:00 PST

Goodbye Mrs.Scratch :(

Hello my friends, I have been slowed down a little due to another unfortunate event this week, in the loss of a member of my extended family...our mother kangaroo, Mrs Scratch. Mrs Scratch and her yo...
Posted by Kyirrie on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:28:00 PST


Posted by Kyirrie on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 02:26:00 PST

How men and women differ :)

You know it's really been one of those kinda weeks when I should never have got outa bed! My car son drowns himself in petrol trying to change the fuel filter...then rips the toilet rol...
Posted by Kyirrie on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 08:48:00 PST

In Honour of Stupid people

A little bit of humor to lighten the day! With thanks from my friend Morag!   In Honour of Stupid People . In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed through stupidity, here ...
Posted by Kyirrie on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 05:33:00 PST

The Paradox of an Anunnaki Soul in the Human Creation

The Power of Inanna Wake up to the power of Inanna Whose name was first read in the form of a Knot ...known as the Knot of Inanna For it is She who is... the Great Goddess of Sumer the Goddess of love...
Posted by Kyirrie on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 03:27:00 PST

Common Sense Prevails!

Hi all, I thought I would update my blog, following my soapbox effort last blog on the situation with the Aussie flag being targeted for a ban at the Big Day Out concert, with an article courtesy...
Posted by Kyirrie on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 04:28:00 PST

What next...Ban Australia Day?

I woke up this morning, and listened to the news, and was astounded by what I heard. Honestly ...what is the world coming to? Here in Australia on the 26th January, we celebrate Australia Day, which ...
Posted by Kyirrie on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 03:56:00 PST