crafting commodities for CRAFTWERK!! spending hours and hours behind the beloved JANOME. hearlding a return to homespun, rainy day activities; drawing daft darlings; laughing internally at the lunacy of life; upholding an addiction to awesome alliterations. Conspiracy theories. Waterballoons. Cats. Cynicism, teamed with unnatural levels of optimism sarcasm. Oh, and having fun in the sun, then nana naps, followed by emerging after nightfall in outrageous getups. CONTRADICTIONS and indecisiveness.
fellow egotistical peoples, crazy craftsters, artistes, strange folk ala circus goers, contortionists, hypnotists and witches. Entertainers are tops! people people people - can't get enough of 'em!!
cheesy synth pop and eccentric electro alternated with heartfelt warm fuzzy folksy quiverings. And some sentimental childhood musical soundtracks thrown in as the lemon icing on the sweet sweet musical cake. okay, lets try to narrow it downa bit: Anthony and the Johnsons, The Brunettes, Bjork, The Chandeliers, Calexico, Bloc Partaaaay, Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk, DEVO, Miss Pussycat, B-52s, Architecture in Helsinki, Cat POWER, Chris Isaac, Colour Cassette, Death Cab, Disasteradio, JAMES HEYDAY(!!), Erase Errata, Sleater Kinney, Flaming Lips, Jesse Sykes, SoSo Modernites, Lady Sovereign, LadyHawke, Grand National, Nick Cave, Polysics, OMD, Postal Service, Ratatat, Safety Scissors, !!!, The Unicorns, J. Newsom, Polka Dot Dot, Thievery Corporation, TV On the Radio, Postal Service, Death Cab, Split Enz, Weezer, Iron and Wine, Xiu Xiu, Wolf Parade, Spoon, Pilot Scott Tracy, Yo La Tengo, Kerry Fletcher, Brian Eno, John Cage, blah blah blah. okay, I'm done.
Flavour of the Month: Spirited Away, Final Fantasy, Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton in general), Science of Sleep, You and Me and Everyone We Know, Woody Allen, Pirahna!! American Psycho, Morven Callar, Narnia, Animatrix, Waking Life, The Fifth Element, ahhh, too many, too many I say!! Steven Soderberg too. yum, back plugs.
All of the Evils of the world start here. This is why Dr Who is top of my list. It's great.
The Arrival, by Shaun Tan, EVERYTHING by Philip K. Dick, Another Magazine, IdN, Afterall, Shaky Mo, Captain Howdy. mmm, glossy paper!!
creative geniuses, reality hoppers, beer drinkers. oh, and harpists. and postmodern hippies.