Atrophies Kewanee profile picture

Atrophies Kewanee


About Me

tHe lEGenDMost HonOuraBle aTi KewANee. iS a LitTle-kNowN iNveNTor: aNd ReVOlutiONarY fREedOM FIgHteR. He HAIls fRom tHE fAMed AnD bLEssED MotHERlanD - oF CamBEria, wHEre HiS bRavE aCTIonS HeLpeD tO BRinG FrEEdoM tO at leaST, aNd mAybe FewEr, ThaN sEvErAL tWentiES Of iTs PeoPLEs.hE iS aLSo bEFaMouSEd, MosTLy iF NoT enTIrELy AlL, FoR tHE iNVenTion oF EvEry RevOLuTIONarY's NUmBer OnE ToOl:-, ThE RuLerANg - ThE StrAIGht ThINg WiTh a BenD In iT.LasT sEEn iN mAlAWi, iT Is ThouGhT tHAt hE iS CurRENtLy BEinG hEld AGainST HIs wILL iN iNhumANe cOnDITIons. wE InvITE YoU tO tAkE Up hIs CAuSe aNd cOntInue hIs eFFoRts tOwArdS A BetTEr wORLd, InSiDE wHICh pEOplE aRe BLessED wITH tHe FreEdOM oF ThE wILl aND CaN EAsiLY MEAsuRe evEN tHe bENDYmosT oBjEcTs wItH eAsE.

My Interests

iNVeNTorisINg. rEVolUtionISIng. fReeDOm FigHtiNg. cOUntInG tHe DayS uNtiL tHe gReAt OnE riSEs aGaiN.

I'd like to meet:

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tHe CamBERiAN nAtionAl GuarDIfiErs NatIoNaL MarCHIng dRUm aNd PiPe bAnD.


The mIGhTy bOOk: the inVenTIons of a ConFUSed mINd vOLUme I. ThERe iS nO OthER.