Getting to the point, the bottom line, the facts as they present themselves, why and why not, and my favorite one, "are we there yet?"
This shake his little hand. ..
Classic all.
8mm, 16mm, VCR tapes, DVD's.
Zenith, Sony, Mitsubitsi, Sylvania, Motorola.
"The Jungle", by Upton Sinclair; "Trail in the Sand", by Won Hung Lo; "The Yellow River", by I. P. Freely
American troops, actors, babysitters, Chuck Norris, comedians, doctors, electricians, farmers, friendly flora, garage mechanics, honeybees, honest accountants, inventors, journalists, kind and logical people, musicians, magicians, night janitors, organ donors, plumbers, quiet library rule-keepers, realistic people, Rosebud-Sioux Indians, Steven Seagal, speech pathologists, scientists, teachers, unicyclists, vets, what-a-burger creator, Xena-Princess Warrior, yeast colonies, Zorro, the list is endless...