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I am here for Friends

About Me

DEFAULT SETTING: pinky, perky and cheerful.OCCASIONALLY I'M: a bit of a princessACCORDING TO MY LOVED ONES I'M: easily pleased, maudlin on gin, poor at reverse parking, top totty, a drama queen (what, moi?).CHEAP DATE OR HARD DRINKER?: (Very) cheap date (epic hangovers).LIVES: Brighton with Paul, the love of my life and the man to tame my flightiness - mind you, he's also the most annoying person I've ever met in my entire life. Must be love, then.LOVES: eating a ripe mango in the bath, the smell of damp earth, Sean Bean (ahem, woof), Infinity Foods at 11am on a Sunday morning, the colour turquoise, Green & Blacks, being the only person in the pool, Dad's Army, hospital corners, my job & workmates at Phoenix, a plate of roast chicken and veg (more so after 25 years of vegetarianism), voices singing together, the sheer classic style of the Volvo Amazon saloon and the Citroen DS, crisp bright beachfront days.DISLIKES: cleaning the cooker, Tizer, the smell of damp houses, Infinity Foods on a Saturday morning, finding the radishes have gone soft in the salad box, cokeheads, swedes (the vegetable, not the entire nation), Alan Titchmarsh (sorry Alan, I'm sure you're a sound geezer, but you are annoying), a runkled up bottom sheet, toenails (ugh), injustice.LITTLE KNOWN FACT #1: Terry Bickers tried to teach me to play the guitar. And failed (absolutely no reflection on him.)LITTLE KNOWN FACT #2: In 1995 I was paralysed by multiple sclerosis and had to learn to sit, stand and walk again. I'm better at it this time round.SLIGHTLY WELL KNOWN FACT #1: Worked as a litigation solicitor at Mishcon de Reya, best known as lawyers to Stephen Fry, Princess Diana and (if you like, you can go for a stage hiss and boo here, but she may be lovely for all we know) Heather Mills McCartney and volunteered at Newham Rights Centre at the same time. A weird clash of cultures: multi-million ££ High Court lawsuits by day: advising Somalian immigrants by evening.

My Interests

Bickering with Paul, photographing Brighton and people, sea fishing (from the shore, for mackeral, yum), eating dinners cooked for me, bellydancing, singing really really loudly and badly, classic cars, holistic medicine, strolls on the Sussex Downs followed by tea and proper cake at the Badger's tearooms in Alfriston (also yum - hmmm, a theme develops that explains that wobbly tummy), learning stuff like 'how many bees does it make to make a teaspoonful of honey?' (the lifetime's work of 12 bees, in case you're wondering).Ambition: to learn to garden and grow organic fruit, herbs and veg. (So I can eat them. Obviously.)

I'd like to meet:

Sharon Osborne (what's with all the poo?), Jonathan Ross (it's the lisp), the 1970s Germaine Greer (took no prisoners), Sean Bean as Sharp (dour Northern competence), as well as positive and good-hearted folk who are awake to the machinations of capitalism, big pharma and US imperialism. Or, on a less-up-my-own-arse day, anyone who's fun, kindly, interesting, and enjoys a swift half.Wish I'd met: John Peel, Tom Paine, Oscar Wilde, Buddha


Current top of my playlist is The Only Ones (Another Girl, Another Planet), also The Gutter Brothers (Everlasting Shining Peace of Mind), long-lost Brighton band The Pirahnas (Tom Hark/Kwela), Tom Waits (Martha - after the gin), The House of Love (Christine - Terry, what can I say - there was nothing you could do in the face of my lack of talent/sense of rhythm/dedication), Nilsson Schmilsson, Circulus, Vetiver, Badly Drawn Boy, Annie Lennox, Ramones, Gotan Project, Lemonjelly, Peggy Lee, the Zen Hussies, early Bowie (though not as early as Davy Jones & the King Bees or The Laughing Gnome), Hendrix, Morcheeba, Barry White, Liz Phair.


Sensitive adrenals, so definitely nothing scary (Jurassic Park counts as horror in my book), and I will weep at any scenes of gross schmalz and sentimentality (being hugely irritated at being so easily manipulated all the while). Recommended films include the Station Agent, Map of the Human Heart, Whalerider, Baghdad Cafe, Withnail, The Producers (the original version - don't get me started on pointless and inferior remakes), Wings of Desire (the Wim Wenders version, natch).


Ads for any product containing 'active fruit nanosomes', or ads for cold remedies which allow the user to get straight back to work without having even an hour or two snuggling under the duvet...for the ranting opportunities. Green Wing, Scrubs, Friends (classic case of slick US scriptwriting), early Frasier, This Life, QI (how else will I learn about the bees?), Never Mind the Buzzcocks, ... and anything like Faking It, where punters leave their comfort zone, face their demons, and triumph over adversity. So much less exhausting to watch than to do, don't you find?


Gormenghast Trilogy, Cold Comfort Farm, Terry Pratchett's 'Weird Sisters' (bit of a trade manual for me), Monty Don's the Complete Gardener, Heat magazine (yes, yes, I know Heat's not a book, and I really, really, really disapprove of it, but, hey, I'm being honest, here, and look, I did English at Sussex in the 80s so could reel off a list of obscure Literature if I wanted to impress you, ok?)


Josephine Butler who put her reputation and freedom on the line to help Victorian prostitutes, the long lost John Barwise for your ability to make friends everywhere even in the Spar queue and for handling cancer and me so well, Paul (for being a better man), Lisa Simpson (I do like a principled cartoon character), my dad cos I never knew you... and anyone who stands up to tyranny or cruelty anywhere in the world. Oh, and when I was 10 it was Donny Osmond. When I was 13 it was David Bowie. Bless.

My Blog

A cure for the common cold...

This is a cure for the common cold:  go to bed, drink lots of water, eat light but nutritious food, sleep lots, and luxuriate in doing nothing.  (If you have kids, add extra step of begging,...
Posted by Sarah on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 09:33:00 PST

In praise of the midlife crisis...

The truly excellent thing about turning forty is that I now feel I am well and truly due my very own mid-life crisis. Paul's been enjoying his own mid life crisis for some time now:  ha...
Posted by Sarah on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 01:34:00 PST