Christon ♥ profile picture

Christon ♥

3 Chance 3 *Godspeed*

About Me

Layout by Dynamite Christian Layouts

*The song "Godspeed" is the song I used to sing to my little brother Chance when he was with me. It is our song* I still sing this everynight before I go to bed... its the only thing that keeps me hanging on for him*
I love the fall -I dont want a job but...I need a job -If i work i want to work with kids -I love the beach, its my place to get away. -I miss hop-scotch- watching soap opra is a favorite pasttime of mine, but when Reva dies... i will never watch them again (GL) -the person i love most in this world is my little brother... i feel as tho it was my fault that he was taken away... he is my life my future... the air that i breathe.. he is my one and only weakness- I hate to wear anything but a t-shirt and panties to bed -I want to go to Australia and Ireland and hopefully I will go abroad to Spain or Mexico in college. -I love dancing, its like acting and im good at acting. -sometimes i take things to sinsitive - i hate for people to feel bad because of me- The internet makes me even more bored -I am very vocal about what i believe in, but yet sorta quiet... I tend to keep things in until and then sometimes i just break - I do things that only older people do -I love my true friends but just like the other ones -i had a therapist-i should still have one i just stopped going one day* i love cats- i want to major in elementary ed in college and have a minor and be certified in spanish- i like hanging out with older people and little kids more than i do the people my own age- I HATE DRAMA- I HATE LIARS- I HATE people who act totally diffrent when around diff people- It ticks me off when people make fun of people they think are lower than themselves... i really dont like to see people make fun of other people i think it just looks bad on themselves... no one is perfict- I love the Oprah show... i think oprah is amazing... October 31, 2006 me and my God mother ferg are actually on the show... so yes i have met the famous oprah and she is normal... i think she does amazing things -i love pok-a-dots. - I love chicken fingers and mashed potatoes :) - i am a classic huge dork... not in the nerd kinda way, in the i do dorky things and act funny- I wish people knew just how much they meant to me.-I think you should tell the people you love i love you ever time you get the chance -My friends say that they love me because i am the same person no matter who i am around and a good one at that- I do wish i could be a better friend sometimes... i just get so wrapped up in one thing at a time and i tend to neglect the ones i love--- I think its cool to sneeze -*Hic-ups are the best* I like looking at pictures -People should stop saying, "I'll be there" if they know they can't. i have been told that too many times -My biological parents are not great... my birth mom likes to tell me every time she has a chance that she wishes she would not have wasted her life on me. that she could have been doing drugs a lot sooner. sounds harsh but she has told me worse. it hurts not to have her around but i got over that a long time ago. My dad missed my life and now he will never have a chance at a relationship... i wont see him for 15 more years... so he is missing out on the best times of my life...but I love the parents I have now! Ferg is my godmother.. she is also my best friend. i have friends my age that i call best friends, but when it comes down to it... she is so much more than a friend and that makes her the best. she is amazing and she is my hero. she has given so much to me since we have met. We have been through so many ups and downs.. prolly more downs than ups but she is the only mother i have really had and its hard to believe she hasnt given up on me like so many people have. I would not have the life or the goals i have without her. I am so thankful to have her in my life. she is the reason why i believe i am the luckiest girl in the world. there is nothing i would ever change in my life b/c i know that all i have been thru have led me up to my one and true mother. She will always be the best mother i have ever had. I just hope she realizes how much i love and appreciate all she has done. I love knowing that she is forever. I miss Jimmy a lot. I miss the feeling of having a father figure. nana and papa have raised me since i was a baby. I love and appreciate them so so much. I dont know what i would have done without them... I love storms... bad ones and light ones.. it feels like life and they comfort me... they help me to sleep-I dont sleep that much even tho its one of my favorite things to do.. when you are sleeping you can have the perfect life if you want... I am mature enough to be immature at the right time. -Sometimes I wish i wasnt as nice as i am... it seems to get me no where - Everyone thinks I'm a teachers pet... just becasue im actually nice to the teachers- the best freinds i have ever had have been some of my teachers... i think they are amazing people to be doing what they do... so many teachers have guided me and i will always love all of them for that. The best teacher person wise i have ever had has been my spanish teacher Dawn Stone. She has been my other best friend. I can honestly say that she is the only person that i feel comfortable being myself around- no mask- no fake smile. its nice because we can just talk about nothing, stupid unimportant things and feel close. i never knew who i really was until we became friends- and that is because i found that i was never putting an act on around her.. She is also one of the only people that can make me feel better on the worst of days just by being there. I love her babies Mason (bubba) and Olivia (Lucy).. dont get me started talking about how amazing they are.. i wont stop! I love kisses but more i love long hugs or just to be held... it makes me feel safe and i lack that feeling -Morons are sometimes entertaining. -My friends sometimes scare me. - I love Jessica Bird.. my goober is amazing.. she has been my best friend since we were zero. we have been through everything together from chicken pox to death. i dont know what i would do without her. we have the best tiem hanging out together... she is a really bad influence on me.. she makes me do bad things ;) She really makes me laugh at her sometimes. I just wish you could see her like i have. Double dating and dealing with a crazy boyfriend... phone calls where i maybe say 2 words and mmm huh the rest and still being on the phone for 4 hours. flower bandits and gettin high (perminent marker of cource)(what kind of girls do you think we are :) ) Comfortable can still look good. -spagettie O's= best ever. - I love KC he is an amazing friend. we have the best time together just doing nothing... i am so glad we were so close last year and i hope we can get back to that this year-i tend to to like guys with dark curly hair and pretty eyes :) i dont like wearing socks... they really freak me out - Chastity Holcomb is my hero... i have never had as much fun as we have together... from coffee at 11 to movies at 2 and sherrys at 10... watching Leslie Berry and singing moulin rouge and best little whore house in texes... late nights running across the road with a speed limit sign that has a 12 foot poll (look at pictures).. to sitting in church and talking about how screwed up the congregation is.. haning out at cemitaries at night on my birthday because i hate birthdays b/c they are depressing* and sleeping on peoples trampolines in the country without them knowing... every memory has been amazing...I am more mature than most 30 year olds- i grew up when i was 6 -I wish I lived somewhere else- I hate birthdays.. something always goes wrong on my birthday.. it never fails.. I want to go to Anderson University-I like to daydream... i do it on purpose -I wish people would stop saying our generation is "going nowhere." -I have made mistakes... HUGE ones but i have a pinky promise with myself and the person who means most that it'll never be that way again- I love giving things more than recieving - If I had the choice to change on thing in my life there is nothing i would change.. i would be too afraid.. everything has led up to what i have now and even though everything in my life is so screwed up i believe i am the luckiest person in the world to have the people in my life that i do. i really do not believe anyone else could have better people. it just amazes me how great people are... I love mascara -I don't like it that mexicans stare to much -- this water taste funny- dont drink and drive -shopping -talking -dancing- writing- friends- family- ponds- nature- kids- my little brother- watching babies sleep- cuddling -wandering -the ocean -the sun - all the things that make me... me
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*I have no idea who i am... the only way i can word myself is an enigma- a person of changing undicided emotion*
*I am seen on the outside as content, sometimes happy... but what no one really knows is this sharp pain I have inside of me- every day i am reminded of this unfufilled desire within me... wanting to know what purpose I have... this impatience is taking over--- the one thing I am most terrified of... myself*
*Depression Seeps through me like nothing I have ever felt before*
*knowing that so many have left me, and so many are soon to leave me... makes my dwelling question be: why even try*
*I hate it when you tell me you love me, it just reminds me of how I have and will continue to fail you... my love is rare...untouched... do i really love at all, or is it just pretend like I?*
Death Trap
Don't fall too deep Into the death trap There is nothing to gain And everything to lose
You get attached To people you don't know Only to get hurt For their stupid show
Your mind gets boggled With thoughts that aren't there Your heart gets crushed Just so they can snicker
The internet is my trap Just like many others Do not fall too deep Into your death trap

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I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

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My Interests

* wanting more ** living with a mask ** hurting from all the lies *
* shame *
* guilt *
* false love *
* wishing *
* hoping *
* crying *
* fear of being discovered*

I'd like to meet:

nomatter how hard i try my depression wont go away no mediacation worked no treatment suceeded no feeling triumphed nothing will work i have enough hope for everyone else except me they have the better chance of seeing themselves through and i must remain into the darkness until i know i helped everyone i could... * I am guilty of wearing a mask but its hard to find anyone who doesn't*I wish I could believe in God, I've tried so hard to find comfort in beliefs, But everything I've ever believed in proved false in the end, And I've been left with pains and griefs. I wish I could believe in God, Then I'd never be without a friend, I'd always have someone to talk to and never feel lonely, But I guess for me there just wasn't an ear to lend. I wish I could believe in God, And know that this struggle is worth it, That it isn't all in vain to deal with all this pain, I'd love to believe, even a little bit. I wish I could believe in God, So I wouldn't be left on my own, But there has never been any proof that He exists, At least not that I have been shown. Every time I've talked to Him, He either doesn't listen, Or doesn't care, Well I guess there is one thing that I believe, And that's that God just isn't there. "I believe in god i just believe that i could be a better chirstian but it is hard to be one when you look at the world from my eyes"
I've crossed the line, And now I'm writing out My eloquent, emotional suicide, There'll be no more tears soon, No more cause so cry, And for once I won't be lying, When I tell people I'm fine, At least not after, My emotional suicide. There is a crazy part of me, That wants to be ignored, Left to my own devices, And never, ever bored, I want my teachers to leave me, So that I can say, I've committed emotional suicide, And everything's okay. I just want to be rescued, But that ain't likely to happen, Someone to take me in their arms and make it alright, And be with me holding my hand, Through every lonely night, But as I said, that ain't going to come true, So I'll commit emotional suicide and I won't care, Whether or not I pull through. "Im not suicidal but I wish i could be threw with the mask and threw with the emotions... they hurt to bad"
Surely you must know, And surely it must show, Those looks I've thrown at you, I know you see my attitude; The occasional fight, I turn my head from your light, The odd word here or there, And I act like I don't care, It must be so obvious to someone like you, I know that I am nothing new, You've probably seen it all before, Maybe I am just a bore; But hey I'll just become a mute, Never speak a word, not even in refute, That's what I want to do, I will be a mute so I can't talk to you; You'll leave me alone, In the rain and pain, all on my own, With this heartache burning through, It's all because of you, But I know that it's not right, To want to be with you tonight, To want you to be the one to save me, I've given up on all God gave me, Take drugs and drink to make it go away, To hide the fact that I want you to stay; But now I won't say a word, I'll lock myself into a silent world, My voice has become dead it's gone, I know you'll ask me what is wrong, But I won't tell you anything, It's not worth my voice to bring Some kind of answer to your question of fate, You're just too late. "I will never be like my mom"

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Sweet unloved one the fiery haired blue eyed schemer... Who came from a long line of drinkers and dreamers... Who knew that sunshine don't hold up to dark Whose goals would fail, Who sleep in the park... girl who spoke of paintings in Paris... And outlandish things to her family just to scare us... whose heart went pokin' where it shouldn't ought... Whose mother could only spit at the thought of that girl, that sweet unloved girl
Her father her father would tear out like a page of the bible... Then he'd burn down the house to announce his arrival... Her mother was doing drugs and never was the lost girl carved out a little life of her own... Her mother threw clothes at her on the day that she moved Now isn't that a very strange thing to do?... For someone who never really wanted you... sweet girl, sweet me

In the battle of time in the battle of will... It's only your hope and your heart that gets killed... And it gets harder and harder Christon, to believe in magic... When what came before you is so very tragic... sad girl, sweet sad girl loved girl, sweet loved girl "my therapist said that song reminder her of me... i replaced the name Lorraine with mine... its by patty griffin she is an amazing artist"

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Movies: - Free Glitter Graphics

A helpful, I hope, definition: enigma (en ig' ma), n.: a person of puzzling or contradictory character
That's me- an enigma. I doubt anybody really understands men How could the unless they'd lived my life? God knows, I dont even understand me sometimes.
Can you feel it, the sadness, can you see it, really see it inside of my eyes? It's there, i dont know how you can miss it. Sometimes I wish I could just go around with a look on my face that actually shows the way i feel inside. My best friend can see right through me, prolly cause she is usually there when i change the mask. But i dont care what she says... life gets better... not really. A lot of the things i write will prolly be sad/depressing... get over it... you dont have to be here in the first place...i will also prolly piss a lot of people off... :) i dont care tho... the ones i end up pissing off will be the ones i dont really need. dont think i sound harsh, i am really nice... ha... i am tho, its just there is a lot more to me than what you see on the outside. a lot more!

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RIP Jason Kelby Allen May 2, 1987- October 21, 2001


~*SoMe FaVoRiTe PoEmS ~*
*We hold on to things the tightest, when we are forced to let them go- We always want things a certain way, when we know they can’t be so.Dreams always last the longest, when they are furthest from our reach- And the lessons we can learn the most from, are often the very ones we teach.The grass is always greenest, when it lies on the other side- And the truth we preach to others, are often those we can’t abide.We hold fast to the things in a storm, which are most likely to blow away- And yet we neglect to wear sunscreen on a bright and sunny day.We spend out time trying to see things, when perspective is one thing we lack- And we never appreciate what we’ve got, until we cant get it back.We expect the whole world to give us a break, and yet ironically we’ll find- That when others come asking the same from us we tell them they're out of their mind.We tell everyone what's wrong with this world, and we do nothing to make it right- We complain about families falling apart, and yet do nothing to keep them tight.We preach about loving our neighbors, and we teach children right from wrong- But we never set good examples for them, when real chances come along.We complain about not having enough time in out lives, to do what we must do- Yet if we were given more hours in the day, we’d use up all that, too.We desire to be close to all those we love, yet all too often look on form afar- And when it comes to the truth do we want to change, or remain forever as we are? Have you ever lived my life, Spent one minute in my shoes? If you haven’t, then tell me why You judge me as you do.*
*Have you ever woken up in the morning Wondering if this was your last day on Earth? Have you ever left your house Unsure is you'd return? Have you ever heard of a teen who got shot in his best friends back yard? Have you ever watched your best friend slowly die From drugs he’s using real hard?Have you ever seen your mom choose another life? One that doesn't include you, because of all your strife. Have you ever watched your mom Throw away her dreams? And give them to a needle Over something stupid, or so to you it seems.Have you ever sat beneath the stars Hoping god will hear? Prayed to him for you grandma, Give her just one more year. Have you ever considered suicide As the only way? Have you ever tried to hide yourself Behind the things you say?Have your ever felt like your losing your world, a world that revolves around your baby brother? Have you ever felt such pain, A pain that hurts like no other? Will you ever get him back, you might? It is a thought that dwells in your mind endlessly. A thought so bad, you have to cry your self to sleep at night?Have you ever lived my life, Spent one minute in my shoes? If you haven’t, then tell me why You judge me as you do.*
*Just a moment in this lifetime, Just a tragedy ahead. Not knowing where each turn will lead, Within seconds we might me dead.Live each day to the fullest, Do not stop to wonder why. Do everything your heart desires, In dreams, reach for the sky.Surprise at every stop sign, With its share of wrong ways and dead-ends. Statistics don’t help you with the future, They only tell you where you’ve been.With so many people among us, There are no certainties. And all it takes is just one person, to reroute history.Don’t waste one single moment, How very precious that they are. What seems a long way off, Is really not that far.*
*If when you wake up in the morning, And the hurting is so great, You don't want to get out of bed And face a world of hate.If everything goes wrong And nothing you do seems right, You just try a little harder And soon you’ll see the light.For every person who has put you down And filled your life with pain, You must strive to achieve greatness And show them that you can win.For every disappointment, For the times you are let down, There will be a better moment And you life will turn around.Because everyone feels heartache And everyone feels pain, But only those who have true courage Can get up and try again. *
*The little girl’s grandma lies dying in bed, She sits there beside her, listening to what is said. Her eyes hold tears she tries hard not to show, Her grandma smiles, for there isn’t much she doesn't know.“Sweetheart, don’t you worry at all about me, Forever you will hold me in your memory. I have lived to a rather ripe, old age, In your life I‘ve had my chapter and tonight my last page.“You will end up facing challenges, don’t give up hope, Just use your heart to make decisions, and you will always cope. One must be strong to live with successes and strife, I know this now from my experiences in life.“You’ll have many choices you'll have to make, and yes at times, your heart will break, But despite the pain and tears, you heart will always heal, Always remember to take to life, for there are so many thrills.Listen to my words dear child, and know that they are true, take it as the last gift, I have given to you. ” With a slight smile and squeeze of her hand, Grandma hoped she helped the little girl to understand.The little girl sat there speechless, thought there so much she wished to say, but she held on to her grandma’s hand as she slowly slipped away.The girl laid there, rewinding in her mind, all the shared moments all the shared times. Recalling all that was said that night, the girl laid there in tears. Promising to count all the memories, and never the years.She kissed her grandma gently as she slowly closed her eyes, And with her Grandma’s wisdom in her heart she said her last good-bye*
*I don’t want to be another statistic Some suicidal teen Who makes a choice to kill herself When the world seems too mean. She can’t go on with her life Or so to her it seems Reality has fallen short And so have her many dreams.I don’t want to be another statistic Some pregnant little girl Who met this great guy And then gave sex a whirl. She was only fifteen But it felt so right She thought they’d be together For more than just a night.I don’t want to be another statistic Some kid stung out on crack Who started at a party And now he can’t turn back. First cigarettes and alcohol Now meth, crack, and cocaine He’s been smoking it so long That now he’s gone insane.I don't want to be another statistic Some girl left in the rain who was walking home from school Then raped and left in pain. She cant tell her parents And it hurts to tell her friends She doesn't know what she’ll do To make this nightmare end.I don't want to be another statistic Some kid out of school Who dropped out early And was acting like a fool. He thought that it was boring He thought that it was dumb He doesn’t have an education But he lives on the street like a bum.I don't want to be another statistic Some stereotypical teen I’m gonna make a difference I’ll finish with my dream! I won’t end up pregnant ON drugs or even dead I won’t drop out of school Because I’ll use my head.I don’t want to be another statistic To fit into some mold Of what society thinks of kids today Because it’s getting kind of old. Not all of us are bad In fact most of us are good When will the world see us And give us the credit that they should?

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Should I even care? Sometimes I don't want to To me, is it fair? I don't know; you?
For me to worry- Where you are and waht you're doing. Don't friends worry? Confused I am about what we're doing
And are we friends?-Yes. More that that?-No clue! At times I think- Yes If I find someone else new?
Is it right for me to wait up Just to hear about your day I have a life- Clean it up! "Stop thinking!" I want to say

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My Blog

A smile that explodes

Too young to fall For a light I think I see Can't say for sure The plants have died, My hair has grown From the thought of you Coming home Cuz it ain't easier Waking up at dawn To find I lost my crown...
Posted by Christon on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 09:01:00 PST

m'aimer pour qui je suis "Love me for who I am"

"An Impossible Love" I dont know what is wrong with me.  I always want what I know i cant have.  I just don't understand what is so wrong with me that i can't just take you in my arms...
Posted by Christon on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 07:03:00 PST