NAVAJO profile picture


We are all Money Slaves

About Me

From a young age Bob Speirs and Gerard McCafferty (Two friends from Glasgow) have been exploring many different genres of music and Art. Two contemplative guys who after finding and appreciating artists such as Jack Kerouac, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Nick drake, Donovan and the likes. They became influenced to write their own songs. They believe in social commentary and themes that run through the songs.The beginnings of Navajo as a band begin in another band called Doctor pockets who are sadly no longer together. Through being in Doctor Pockets both Bob and Ged have met some amazing musicians and some great friends who they are still in touch with today. Matthew MacDonald, Chris Rasdale, Bernard Martin and Dochan McMillan all have contributed to and still have a big part to play in the music of Navajo.The name of the band comes from Bob reading a book about Navajo Indians at the time when they were asked to play at the Scotia bar in Glasgow and had to provide a name for the posters. Following this Both men went backpacking from san Francisco to New York ,Highly influenced by Kerouac’s’ wanderings and with the idea that they would spend some time in the Navajo reservation.After spending time with the Navajo in Monument Valley Utah they were blown away with the way in which the Navajo lived. The Land , Animals and source of life was all worshipped. Nothing was taken for granted. The people were so kind that both Bob and Ged left with a wider picture of how life can be lived‘The culture shock I’ve had has made me wise now’ Fourth world - Navajo (The Art Of Contemplation)Navajo returned to Glasgow via a jailhouse in New Orleans (Another story!) And set to work putting what they had learned into their music. The result of this was Navajos’ 1st Album entitled ‘The Art of Contemplation’. A youthful and optimistic piece of work with an earthy sound. Lyrically the album is as it says on the cover. The Art of Contemplating the next steps in life.At the time now of Navajos 2nd Album entitled ‘Money Slaves’ both men have grown musically. Bob is in an established Glasgow band The Statler Project and Gerard has had the experience of working with and producing music with all the members of Doctor Pockets and Mick Drain of smokescreen. This album has the themes of money and time (or the lack of) running through it as Navajo now feel the punches of day to day survival and mortgages etc. This album calls for action not contemplation. It is a more mature piece of work and without the help of Matthew MacDonald, Chris Rasdale, Madeline Baker, Alison McIntyre and Bernard Martin the album would not have been possible.Navajo have been involved in some memorable gigs such as the West End Festival in Glasgow The launch of Scotloads in Inverness, The highland festival and they have also supported Jonathon Rice at the Art School in Glasgow while he was on his British tour. Navajo have also been quite a regular act at The Free candy Sessions which began at The Liquid Lounge in Glasgow and now takes place at the Liquid Ship on Great Western road in Glasgow. This takes place on a Tuesday and Thursday night and provides an intimate setting for the listener to appreciate good live music.Navajo continue to be productive and inspired to write musicBoth albums can be downloaded at

My Interests


Member Since: 12/23/2006
Band Members: Bob Speirs and Gerard McCaffertyWith a little help from our friends!
Influences: Bob Dylan, Jack kerouac, Nick Drake, Neil Young, Neil Cassidy, William Burroughs, The Band, Jackson Browne, The Beatles, John Martyn, Doctor Pockets, Ritchie Havens, Chai, John Steinbeck, Horizons, The Navajo Nation, Scotland and Our friends and families among others.........
Sounds Like: "A hush of dust filled wind that warms the soul in all this hazy mystic light"
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None