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I've been blessed with musical talents so its no secret to most who know me that i sing all the time...And i do mean ALL THE TIME!! my friends have noticed that everytime i use the restroom at their house i sing while im in there...hehe..I've only recorded a few songs but my goal is to have hundreds..,I just feel like i havent experienced enough to really write song after song...u might even be the one thing who inspires a stay close to me and you'll find out...L8er
gospel, r&b,jazz,opera,hip hop,alternative,rock,hardcore,80's soul;r&b;modern,christmas music!! I Like IT Loud and Hard HIttEN!!
rADIO fLYeR,mAtRIX ALL THREe,wARlOCK,wICKED sTEPmOTHER,wEIRD sCIeNCE,dR.GiGgLES,C.A.M.P.,CoMing To AmeriCa,PlayErs Club,TexAs Chainsaw,MoOn WaLker,OmEga Man,RaY,Boat Trip.LaTtEr DaYs,The ProPhecy,From Dusk Till Dawn, FrigHt Night,Nightmare On ELm StReeT,Kill Bill 1 & 2,MeMento(still haven't figured this one out)Brokeback Mountain. .. width="425" height="350" ..
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