A little bit about andycat™:
• Simply put, I am who I am and I like what I like. I was adopted and raised by my adoptive parents and some animals in the country. I played by myself a lot as a kid. For those of you who don't know me very well, I used to have hella sharp beatbox skills...beginning to resharpen them again. I also skateboarded for about ten years or so. I pretty much sucked, but I had a lot of fun skating. Another thing NOBODY knew until seeing this MySpace page is that I'm also a professional pterodactyl caller. Not very many of us in that profession these days.
3 magnificently orchestrated videos for your viewing pleasure:
WARNING! Taking these videos too seriously could cause your head to explode, or at least an aneurysm!
• This video was shot deep in known pterodactyl country. As you can tell by the look of intensity on my face, pterodactyl calling requires a great deal of concentration, as well as years of experience.
• This is me lackadaisically beatboxing. You wouldn't know it from watching this video, but yes, I used to actually have some skills at this.
• Here's a video of my best friend Blue, giving chase to her favorite fake cheeseburger. She still gets around pretty well for an eleven year old dog!
• Hope you enjoyed these magnificently shot videos! There will be more in the future that will be guaranteed to be just as good as these!