People, anime, video games, art, martial arts, and stand up comedy. If you are any of these, you interest me.
People that will entertain me
Uhh...[insert genre here] I ain't picky.
Doom...don't ask, Silent Hill, Memoirs of a Geisha, random Disney movies, old random Asian martial arts flicks. Robin Williams Live on Broadway. I can quote that shit word for word.
[adult swim], Seinfeld, Family Guy, Becker, Random cartoons, Comedy Central like South Park, Scrubs
Memoirs of a Geisha, Secret Life of Bees, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Anything by Robin Cook
Bums. 'Cos they say, "F*@! money. I decide to live without the constraints of such capitalism," maybe less profound and with words less than two syllables, but nonetheless. My mom and dad.