I have a double life.
By day i am an arranger/producer/composer (pop-electro-r'n'b, jingles for tv spots, cartoons soundtracks and other stuff, in my own little studio), and by night...the Mr Hyde comes out!
Sax, Jazz, soul, blues, live music!
Some artists i've worked with:
883, Enzo Jannacci, Paola e Chiara, Ligabue, Jovanotti, Luca Jurman, Gigi Cifarelli, Aida Cooper, Paolo Jannacci, Daniele Moretto, Pepe Ragonese, Pancho Ragonese, Sergio Cocchi, il Giovane Bove, Eugenio Mori, the unforgettable Leandro Misuriello (we miss u pal!) and a lot of friends in my city, Milan.
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!