[email protected]
You really dont have to read anything below this but, if you're at all interested in contributing or sending in anything it's really simpler 4 both if you atleast skim a couple, itll not take long.
3-7-2007 We are currently very interested in contacting photographers, tatoo/graphic artists, and fashion designers for interviews.
WHAT WE'RE ALL ABOUT!!:: show reviews, album reviews, photography, journal entries, stories about society, stories about yourself, art, modern, minimalist, chaos, acoustic sets, beats, subject matter is very very open. grammar is not an issue,respectively, and brevity is also not an issue but we do ask people to be considerate. if you send us an address we may be able to work out sending a handfull once printed. Thanks again if you do wish to take part. And please, try to send the comment from which you heard about the magazine to others you know might be interested. thanks
If you've any questions, please message. Most questions asked are answered below but if you've any new ones, or just want to know a little more about us, we're always very open to answering. it's three people handling the zine but only two of us handle the space page. we planned on buying a website but that costs and this's free.
Answers to Frequently asked Questions:
1. Are you a printed or online magazine?
UPDATED 3/13/07 : We are a printed magazine, not an online. Our debut printing should be ready sometime early-June. We plan to ship out as many as we're able but keep in mind we're not millionares and the number of copies will be short.
2. Why are you posting my shows if you're not gonna go?
Although we'd really like to, we cannot attend every show, even if requested. I work 5-6 days a week and the two others running the zine go to school, so time's a bit skim for us all.
3. Is it just gonna be another music magazine?
We're not soley a music magazine, we plan to feature real articles, group manifestos, opinions, notes on museums, art shows, profiles, and the like.
4. Are you gonna print foul language and nudity?
We dont plan to censor anything but that's with the hope that anything sent in will be of full personality and character. please be respectful to the idea of art and purpose.
5. Why's it taking so long for you guys to print?
Expect big things from us just not to happen all together too quickly. We've got day jobs too.
6. When can i send in my music?
You can send in a demo/album/recording any time, there isnt a deadline or anything like that.
7. Are your guys' friend requests sincere or is it like you're just requesting anyone?
If we message you saying we like your stuff it's not just cause we want a big number of friends, we genuinely appreciate what it is you do. so, if nothing else, take it as a compliment.
8. PHOTOGRAPHERS:: we print in black and white.
9. ADS- The gist of the ad will be limited to what's really relative, considering our audience and content, hope that makes sense.
UPDATED 4.1.07:
1. business card- 2 dollars
2. 1/4 page- 5 dollars
3. half page- 10 dollars
4. Full page- 15 dollars
reccommended- we are willing to design your ad for a little extra. It'll fit the mood of the zine and promises to draw more attention. Prices for this are below:
5. business card- 4 dollars
6. 1/4 page- 8 dollars
7. 1/2 page- 15 dollars
8. full page- 20 dollars
10. How much will the zine cost?
It's going to be a free magazine for as long as we're able to manage the costs.
11. DEMOS-
Please be open to sending a demo whenever convienient [vinyl, CD, tapes, DVD, 8tracks, etc.] any format's good, we just got to be able to hold it, [please dont ask us to download your stuff cause thats just boarderline offensive]. we will respond to anything sent in.
demos dont have to include cover art nor fancy cases, we know having them made can be expensive, so just a track listing is really necessary, anything beyond that is up to you. we'd sure like it if you sent over the whole deal but burnt copies work just the same. address below or, if we contacted you in person, to which ever addesss mentioned.
12. What makes you guys so different from all those other zines?
This is a question i've been getting a lot lately. I think being different or unique isnt really something we're striving for. we're pretty much much just gonna do what's comfortable and original in our eyes, you know? and hopefully it'll take off from there. we hope to make it real fresh and somewhat innovative but we're not just gonna make things different for the sake of being edgy, you know. same mentality goes with what's put in the zine as well. we're not searching the bottom of the barrel as far as music/video and literature go simply to appear the renaissanse man, you know? we just like what we like, regardless any opinion.
13. WRITERS- we're not gonna exclude writing simply because it goes against our taste, but we do have something of a direction we'd like to be going in. nevertheless, whatever anyone sends in will get full attention and a sincere response.
We will be working off of Adobe InDesign 2.0 and InDesign CS2. If you know how to work these programs, or know of anyone who does, please feel free to message us.
8 PAGES (11 X 17) FOLDED MAKES 32 8 X 11
***NEW: We've changed our E-mail address from YAHOO to HOTMAIL due to staff accessability.
also, if you just want to post a show and nothing else, be sure to leave it as a message in this fashion:
Band: NAME
venue: LINK, NAME
All demos sent to:
2136 E. Deodar
West Covina, CA 91791
WARNING:::::WARNING::::WARNING::::#### 035;########
Not everything sent in will be put in the zine
NOt all music sent in will get GOOD reviews, sorry.
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