"I'm gonna have Wytold join me on the cello up here even though he doesn't know this tune - I call it Somewhere Else."
That's how it all started for Colorful Speech at the Coffee House in Moon, PA. One week we saw each other play and knew we liked what we heard, the next week Wytold improvised on stage to 'Somewhere Else'...then there was the week inbetween where Wytold transcribed guitar to cello for 'Emily' and worked on the backup vocals, and after he suprised Jason at the next Coffee House performance, the jamming was officially on.
Being a fresh and new band, we are absolutely thrilled about our sound and where our music is going. We both have been writing songs for quite a while, so our only problem is that there is almost too much good music to choose from...We're having a great time figuring out new cello parts, revamping or spicing up old guitar parts, learning each other's songs, and especially harmonizing! The best thing is that we share a sense of knowing this is our time to really do something with our music - we've been dreaming of it forever, we've written songs critiquing the day-to-day lives of every one (including ourselves) who's ever wondered if there is something else out there or something more to life, and we both just went through rough, rough break-ups. It's time to get out and play some music.
We're now looking to get as many gigs as possible, and we'd love help with BOOKING - suggestions for places, offers for shows, whatever! If you're having a house party and want some music, let us know (even a dinner or tailgate party will do). Also, make sure to check back for updates - times are very exciting and we'll be sure to let you know all about it!
News Flash:
We host the Obey House Acoustic Open Mic on Wednesday nights, 9:00 - 12:30!! Check out the Obey House website for more info:
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