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About Me

Sthn hlikia twn 8 etwn ksekinise na mathainei drums ypo thn kathodhghsh tou Spurou Livgeratou!Auth th stigmh einai mathiths tou Stefenou Dhmhtriou sto wdeio "G.Fakanas"! To 2003 ginetai melos twn Alxhmistwn! Ton Septevmrh tou 2005 emfanizetai kathe pempth sth mousikh skhnh "To Onoma tou Rodou" me tous Alxhmistes enw 2 mhnes argotera sth mousikh skhnh "Oxygono live". To 2006 symmetexei sthn mousikh parastash "Athina,Kairo,Alexandreia" me thn Katerina Papakwnstantinou,ton dhmhtrh Tsekoura k tous Alxhmistes sto "Oxygono live". Exei yparxei melos twn: "Amola Kalouband","Kasy Lazarh k Flash Back","Nemesis","Crimson Fire"!To xeimwna tou 2006-07 kathe Paraskeuh k Savvato emfanizetai sto ''Onoma tou Rodou'' ws melos twn M.I. me ton Mixalh Kakeph k ton Hannibal enw vrisketai sto studio hxografwntas gia th prwth diskografikh douleia twn alxhmistwn! To kalokairi tou '07 symmetexei sthn periodeia ths Katerinas Papakwnstantinou kai tou Dhmhtrh Tsekoura se olh thn Ellada! fetos emfanizetai kathe savvato sto gialino up stage me tous alxhmistes, mexri ton decemvri enw auth thn periodo vrisketai sto OXYGONO Live me tous ALXIMISTES ton Dimitri Tsekoura Kai thn Katerina Papakwnstantinou! Background By MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds

My Interests

music, drums, friends...


progressive rock, alternative, fusion, electro house?!,


Lord of the rings, The scarface,The bourne genika!


Vefa sto Delhi...!


"The Alchemist",Micky mouse,Popay


Garfield,Bob Sfougarakis,Eyxoulis