Growing and learning...We love trying new things, especially new restaurants Fish (Caleb), camp (more Caleb but Jonette does to an extent), hick, waterski, wrestle (Caleb). People...they are completely fascinating. Music and Arts...I love writting and singing. We love anything athletic..outdoor, indoor bring it on...We like to play...We like to watch..we are up for anything! Life is truly a gift.
Martin Luthar King Jr...Moses.....Abraham Lincoln.....Caleb....Aristotle...President Bush...Oprah...Davey Crocket...Madona...the person that invented hair straighteners!(Jonette)...and anyone that we haven't met!
We love it all! Hillsong, Jeff Deyo, Ella Fitzgerald, The Fray, Cold Play, U2, Diana Krall, United Live, Rascal Flats, Keith Urban, Isreal Houghton for sure!
Pride and Prejudice and Braveheart