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Fall asleep in an elevator...and awake, uplifted.

About Me

Myspace Layouts Myspace Generators Myspace CodesMyspace LayoutsGabriel Charette-Boily was born in Chicoutimi, Quebec in 1982. He has always had an ear for music and an eye for all things artistic. Gabriel started playing guitar when he was in Gr. 4 and has been playing ever since. It was his father, noticing that Gabriel started taking guitar more seriously, who suggested that he might try adding lyrics onto his riffs to make things a little more interesting. Gabriel did not think much of the suggestion until he went away to Málaga, Spain. He had written 2 or 3 simple songs before going to Spain, but it was there that solitude and a squirming inner monologue gave rise to a more expressive side of Gabriel. During his precious 6 months in Europe, Gabriel wrote many songs including "Simple Words", "First Kiss Innocence", "Last Stop, Amsterdam." and many more of his fans favorite songs.Back home in Burlington, ON Canada, Gabriel has played some shows at such venues as the Casbah in Hamilton (Tsunami Benefit Concert), Doogies & Pablos in Guelph, The Queens Tavern in Niagara Falls, and more recently he has been playing shows in Toronto at Sneeky Dee's and Savannah Room. Gabriel also enjoys playing any open mic because it's there that you're most likely to find those very talented individuals before they even know that they are talented.Gabriel recorded his first 12 song album in Kitchener at Fred Smith Studio in May of 2005. It is entirely acoustic and although it is unique in its style, people find that they hear influences of Neil Young, Seven Mary Three, The Beatles, and even a hint of Jeff Buckley.Gabriel looks forward to any oportunity to perform in the future....ANYWHERE! He enjoys performing live and gaining live show experience! For more information contact Gabriel at [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 12/19/2006
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None