Erotic dreaming, All pumping and steaming, Such startling reactions Denied satisfaction, She awakes in surprise, Confused by her eyes, Returns then to sleep, For more pleasure to reap, Hot actions ongoing, Ever building, Never slowing, The pace increasing, Never ceasing, Fulfilling feelings, And spinning ceilings, Astounding movement, Defining moment, Her loins gripping, But the dream is slipping, With lust overflowing, The dream is going, The dream is going, The dream is...Real???IF U LIKE SEXY ART CHECK OUT JENNIFER JANESKO PINUPS.......SEXY.........
Myspace GlitterFingers tracing, tickling, teasing,
Hot breath exploring soft blushing skin,
Urgent usherings through new folds uncovered
by subtle moans and seductive moves.
Tasting love,
testing Love,
discovering... GASPS!
Heartbeat, hot breath, quivering lips,
Glistening baubles of feminine mystique,
Trembling 'neath touches of male desire,
Presure in rhythm brings writhing and giggling,
Dividing the covers with sweet scents of love.
Nibbling with lips and teasing with tongue,
That blow the world and it's woes far away
Blowing, blinding, tickling, pleasing.
Darkest of night, starkest of day.Can't wait to feel your flesh
Pressing onto mine.
Can't wait to dive into your being
Releasing lust divine.
Can't wait till I hold your ecstasy
A tip my hungry tongue
Can't wait till your curving breasts
My kisses are among.
Jaheim lyfe akon justin timberlake 50 cent snoop ti ciara beyonce gucci mane lil wayne stain evanecence I could go on forever, but u get the idea!
Sinful nights of a nobelman, & Fantasylover were the last 2 I read. Obviously I like the hot & steamy romance novels. ____________________________________I kiss you sincerely, and deeply and lovingly. I kiss you goodnight, goodmorning, goodmorrow. When you open your eyes I will kiss them. When they are closed again I will miss them. Gentle fingers cradle your cheek with love Others brush back your hair from above You lean back deeply Feeling me close, confining, controlling I am above you Around you Upon you Lips brush as eyes rest beneath lids Moist, tender, warm Passion focused Love centred Upon one point Made of two entities Lips exploring textures untested New tastes, new temptation Probing deep, delicious and sweet dancing, delighting teasing tasting testing touching together. together.. deeply together. I will feed you As you feast upon my love. As you consume of my body. Let me fill you with my joy Then. Let me kiss you again.
Tara Banks