Welcome to iMod, the evolutionary culture magazine.iMod is dedicated to informing you about the Body Modification culture as a whole, including;Body piercing, Tattooing, Scarification, Branding, Tongue splitting, Subdermal implant, Transdermal implant, Extraocular implant (eye jewelry), Breast ironing, Female genital cutting, Male circumcision, Meatotomy,
Headsplitting, Subincision, Superincision, Genital bisection, Scrotal bisection, Genital beading, Corsetry or tightlacing,Cranial binding, Foot binding, and Elongation. While also touching on controversy, and individuals known for extensive Body Modifications, each quarterly issue will feature the "iMod Boy" and "iMod Girl", Shop reviews and fresh Artist interviews. Our mission is to politically and commercially encourage the ethical growth of Body Modification and Manipulation culture. Educating the public about body modification and manipulation for the purposes of safety, history, and culture, will allow iMod to act as a media liaison to encourage accurate portrayals of body modification and manipulation and to encourage positive mainstream acceptance of body modification and manipulation activities.
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor