Oliver profile picture


What if goldfish ate People crackers?

About Me

I'm not just a goldfish, I'm a Fan-Tailed Goldfish. I've been living with my current owners for a little over a year. I'm really happy right now because I just moved into a brand new tank! It's much, much bigger than my old one, and it has a filter, and the water makes a little waterfall when it comes back in my tank from the filter, and there's a little mini ruins decoration! Yay! I am livin' LARGE right now. Now if only my parents would get me a lovely lady fish to share it all with... then life would be really sweet.

My Interests

Food. Feeding time is the highlight of my day. And when my owner shines that laser thingy into my tank for me to play with.

I'd like to meet:

People who like fish.


Don't get many radio stations in my tank...


JAWS! Sometimes when my owners aren't looking I put my dorsal fin up above the water and swim around going "Duh nuh....duh nuh....duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh NUUUHH..."


I can now see the television from my tank's new vantage point, only to discover that my owners never watch it. Oh well.


Books and water aren't really a good mix...


My owner, who rescued me from the pet shop, feeds me faithfully twice a day, and defends me from that large black cat who just loves to try to stick his paws into my tank....yikes.

My Blog

poop is cool

Today I pooped in my tank and watched it slowly float down to the blue sea glass on the bottom. That was fun.
Posted by Oliver on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST