The world, human interaction, society, life, beauty, creativity, stories...
more pandas, Martin Luther King jnr, Billie Holiday, some ancestors and interesting folk, Micheal Caine seems like a nice man.
Billie Holiday, Ella Fitz, Blues, Bjork, Mogwai, Lemonjelly, Joni Mitchell, Radiohead, Louis Armstrong, Nina Simone, impromptu outbursts of song and it all changed of late, i used to be so sure and now i like what i like.
Studio Ghibli stuff, Amorres Perros, The Big Lebowski, Batteries Not Included, Willow, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Pulp Fiction and good stories.
Neighbours is the Don.
It's all about the story, Carlos Ruiz Zafon i like, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Johnathan Livingston Seagull, Terry Pratchett when i want to giggle n not think too much.
My mom, Gandhi, Martin Luther King jnr, my friends and those that change the world for the better.