t.w.i.n.k.l.e.* profile picture


About Me


My Interests

i love art, fashion, music, traveling, beach-bumming, drawing, designing and everything and anything sometimes... dreaming, chilling and lounging...


Nimbus9ine, Nyko Maca , Pedicab, Pinikpikan, UpdharmaDown... ay music nga not bands... so yeah music world, rock n' roll, actually ALL and anything... depends on my mood!


X-MEN! i want to be an x-men!!! Zatoichi, Amelie, Stolen Summer, Imelda, What the 'bleep'?, Mermaid, Spirited Away and more...


OC, sometimes ALIAS and America's Next Top Model and cartoons cartoons cartoons - whatever i catch on TV, i like hihipuffyamiyumi show, spongebob, arnold, disney/nick/cartoon network!


Harry Potter, mmmmmm self-help/guide books, philosophical books... i just pick up whatever's lying around in the house and randomly read them and there are lots i've started but haven't finished...


lotsa people who are doing what they love to do and continue to do so despite the struggle that faces them... coz they all turn out exceptionally great afterwards!

My Blog

which european city do you belong to?

You Belong in BarcelonaWhen it comes to Europe, you don't want to decide between culture and fun. You want art by day and a big party by night.Barcelona is ideal for you. You can check out some Picass...
Posted by t.w.i.n.k.l.e.* on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:16:00 PST