surfing,partying,chillen with the gurlz, hip hop nights at the clubs, latin music, coconut massages on the beach, road trips down south, summer island hopping, sunday night capping with des LOL, assisting, shooting and editting videos (it's a new found passion), hosting for PIE's events, fashion show styling,shopping with julie wherever it may be possible (haha),playing with my nephews and nieces, spending time with my favorite kid in the whole wide world,ELLA, modeling for impromptu shoots, creative and digital photography, writing songs, painting angry masterpieces, graffiti and the hip hop culture (1st loves never die), indie films, shoes and bags addictions(it's an obsession), dooney & bourke bags, dior bags, the aston martin DBR9, puerto galera pina colada's, lip gloss....keeping the balance between spontaneity and organization,working my ass off,making some,dreaming,loving life.
...people who won't bullshit me or give me bullshit...people who won't treat me like i'm some doll and gets a clue when i say "no"...people to hear my sighs of the day and share a hug with when i spontaneously want to give it...lastly, someone who CAN and WILL take me seriously...cuz honestly,i've got alot to give...
hawaiian music, chill out music, goth rock,SKA is the sh*t (go discover!),DRIP, IMAGO, Pinoy Stories, airport drama, indiemo, emm gryner, mariah carey, passion on soundclick, TriggerBliss, the yeah yeah yeah's, jack johnson, utada hikaru, EWF, NAS, the fugees, aretha franklin, the supremes, boyzIImen,erykah badu, aaliyah, TUPAC, chevelle, the deftones....and the list goes on and on.
Music From Another Room, Amelie, Cinema Paradiso, The Devil's Advocate, The Fast & the Furious, Lilo & Stitch, City of God, Crazy/Beautiful, JACK, Mean Girls,Poetic Justice, Love & Basketball, Joy Luck Club, Romeo Must Die, Father of the Bride II, Naked Weapon, So CLose, the Mighty Ducks 1,2&3, Newsies, Schindler's List, Valentino, Chasing Papi,Benny & joon, CRASH Selena, Dance With Me, Iron Jawed Angels
LOST, CSI sunday nights, the Simpsons, FRIENDS (theee whole 10 seasons), re-runs of fresh prince, full house, family matters and alla the good stuff i grew up on...Veronica Mars, Joan of Arcadia, one tree hill, the o.c.,north shore, tiara girls and my sweet 16 on MTV (just cuz they are sooo irritating i find it entertaining), Dr.90210 ( yea, i'm a freak like that...LOL) nip/tuck, as told by ginger, the lilo and stitch cartoon series, old school batman and x-men, 8th & Ocean
the da vinci code by dan brown, she's come undone by wally lamb, the art of war by sun tzu, the communist maniesto, pablo neruda poetry,to kill a mocking bird,neil geiman graphic novels, the rose that grew from concrete, roll of thunder hear my cry, the shopaholic series,the third child by marge piercy,the class by erich segal, medea by euripedes...ALOT MORE...can u tell, i'm a DORK! LOL
we are our own heroes, we just gotta know it.. define a hero...then u can tell me if they exist or not... superwoman julie comes close enuff...she's a daughter,a sister,a mother and most esp. my best friend =) mi madre...everything rolled into one! my ate joy...she's a fighter!