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About Me

Network BannersLayout made by"Les herbes ont si bien poussé, Que vous ne pouvez meme plus voir Le sentier qui mène chez moi: C'est que j'ai attendu trop longtemps Quelqu'un qui ne voulait pas venir" S.HENJO, Tanka"Herbs have grown so much, That you cannnot even see anymore The narrow path towards my home: As I have waited too long, Someone who didnt want to come."S.HENJO ,Tanka"La nue etait d'or pale et d'un ciel doux et frais, Sur les jeunes bambous, sur les rosiers épais, Sur la mousse gonflée et les safrans sauvages, D'étroits rayons filtraient à travers les feuillages. Un arome léger d'herbe et de fleurs montait; Un murmure infini dans l'air subtil flottait." Aurore,LECONTE DE LISLEA cameleon! would be a quite good qualification! having had to adapt to many countries, people, situations! still standing up on my two feet! with a memory full of beautifull and terrible visions! A contrast between the Beauty of a country and the horrors of leprosy ravaging the faces of the people in Madagascar when I was a child! or,the way we had to flee from Saigon! the faces of the vietnameese and chineese refugees in the Hong Kong camps! versus all the riches we could see in the shops in Hong Kong and Kowloon!sometimes, I wonder who I am really! a mixture of many cultures! someone who hates injustices! someone who can be too sensitive! too idealistic! someone who is searching for her roots! someone who is "on the way" as a pilgrimm!someone who has lived in suitcases many years! someone who can hurt, someone who can scream! someone who can love, someone who can be very timid! someone who has needs like others! and yet works in taking care of others! why?????? someone who has two daughters! someone who lives by the sea in a beautifull place! specially when the light is metallic,and the clouds,calling you to dream of a far away country , where Beauty and Love would be the masters! A country smelling the salt and the vareck!where the seagull, seem to dance when the wind starts to dance! I am , myself, a grain of sand,in the clock of eternity! oh!I am over 45! sorry to disapoint some of you! I am myself, or so I do hope!with my bad areas , and my good ones!I dont look like Raquel Welch!or Claudia Schiffer!JE VIS EN BRETAGNE AU BORD DE LA MER! J' ai 2 filles de 22 et 23 ans! dont une étudiante cette année sur Caen! j'ai bourlingué dans plusieurs pays!et pour l'instant je suis dans ce coin, si beau, entre terre et mer! balayé par le vent et aux senteurs salines! Un coin si beau, que lorsque je revenais ici en vacances, les larmes me coulaient doucement sur les joues , devant tant de magnifiques paysages! ces cotes découpées au couteau! et les oiseaux de mer qui tournoient dans les nuages, vous invitent à la poesie, et au reve!j'ai 45+,désolée de vous désapointer!je suis moi, avec mes travers et mes bons cotés!you can find me at : http://www.jpgmag.com/people/rockaline a:hover img { filter: xray; }
you are welcome to leave a comment!

My Interests

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Favorite Poets Beaudelaire,Rimbaud,The Pre Raphaelites,TS Eliot,Wordsworth,Keats,Blaise Cendrars,Paul Eluard,Saint Jonh Perse,Pierre Mac Orlan,André Breton,Boris Vian,Li Po,Wang Wei,Pablo Neruda,Rabindranath Tagore,Aragon,and a lot more! Favorite Authors Paolo Cohelo,Boris Vian......+++++++Science and Life magazine; National Geographic Magazine,Geo....
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My Blog


"'Should one of us remember, And one of of us forget I wish I knew what each will do, But who can tell as yet?   Should one of us remember, And one of us forget, I promise you what I will do_ And...
Posted by KARO on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 11:35:00 PST

Pleurtuit! evènement! ce week end!

http://www.rocknroll-team.com  près de Dinard et St Malo, en Bretagne !!!! samedi 3 oct : Pleurtuit,la 7ieme nuit du rock! à voir également, le site de 2 createurs d'1 label de tee shirts bio pou...
Posted by KARO on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 10:49:00 PST

on being!

  Beauty is the radiance of being. 2. The experience of beauty binds us more fiercely to life, thus enhancing our chances of survival. 3. Every moment of being is a moment of indescribable gra...
Posted by KARO on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 08:23:00 PST

poem for the day!

"L'ame se perd dans le coucher du soleil, Tel un oiseau qui recherche les siens! Elle s'étire, comme un nuage, Qui porterait notre etre tout entier! S'abreuvant des couleurs, Elle se meut vers sa dest...
Posted by KARO on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 01:11:00 PST


Merci de tout coeur d'etre la! Toi que je n'avais pas revu depuis tellement d'années! Retrouvailles qui m'ont émues au plus haut point! Merci de tous ces moments , passés en ta compagnie! Trops courts...
Posted by KARO on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 10:48:00 PST


St Malo , is going to hold soon the BD festival, which takes place at the end of October every year! just go and check: http://www.quaidesbulles.com Bientot sur St Malo, LE FESTIVAL QUAI DES BULLES! F...
Posted by KARO on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 07:34:00 PST


hi everyone some great news for us!all through 2008, St Malo,in Brittany France is going to celebrate the NATIVE AMERICANSthrough differant festivals at differant times!this is a most marvellous news ...
Posted by KARO on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 07:56:00 PST

jpg magazine!

jpgmag.com/photos/280171 check me there! at jpg magazine!...
Posted by KARO on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 11:39:00 PST

A poem by Li Po

Visiting a Taoist on Taitien Mountain Amongst bubbling streamsa dog barks; peach blossomis heavy with dew; hereand there a deer canbe seen in forest glades!No sound of the mid-daybell enters this fast...
Posted by KARO on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 09:12:00 PST

petit poeme, inspiré par je ne sais quelle muse!

"Sur la mer, quelques rides! telles,celleseffleurant,àpeinecette peau de satin!si douce.....de celle qui est partie ! quelques gouttes amères,coulent,entrainant sur leur passage,les plus beaux souveni...
Posted by KARO on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 11:23:00 PST