My names adam maddison im 16 and i bot music :]
The things in life what make me happy are my Friends,my Family and my passion Music, i want to become successful in the music world one day and hopefully become a songwriter/performer. i have recently developed a side project on youtube so thankyou to people who have supported me :] add my music myspace please!I love, My friends for when we have fun days and nights out e.g the beach and the toon :], my xbox hehe, and my guitar and keyboard!
Give me a slush puppy and ill love you forever! XD.I dont like being messed about, theres no point in people making other people feel like shit in my opinion like, its just so people can look solid infront of their mates which just makes them look shallow so burr :]lol im a canny lad at heart and love to meet and make new friends so if you ever fancy havin a chat on msn my addys are [email protected] or [email protected] :] speak soon adam x