.. Ãlvaro Collar (Madrid, 1981) is an Spanish emergent videoartist / filmmaker / screenwriter.He is the creator of pieces such as CentrÃfuga (Centrifuge, 2007) wich won the First MovieFilmFest..s Best Original Idea prize or Quinta Habitación (Fifth Room, 2005) which won the Movie Minute Cup and was selected to represent Spain at the UNICA..s World Minute Movie Cup 2006 in South Korea...Collar is also the writter of the script Sebastian Rabe y la Fractura Sofista (Sebastian Rabe and the Sophistic Fracture, 2005) as well as more than 20 short film scripts including Paisaje Interior (Inner Landscape, 2002) which was a finalist in the category of Best Short Film and won the Best Director prize in Canal Ocio..s First University Contest in 2002.