music, photo, video, music videos, movies, parties, friends, traveling, meeting new people
my friends' friends.......and artists, musicians, DJ's, photographers, videographers, graphic designers, employers :D, and other cool peopleAdd Comment
TOP 10:
in no particular order
Black Flag
Bad Brains
Minor Threat
Queens of the Stone Age
Sex Pistols
Hidden Variable
TOP 10:
in no particular order
2001: A Space Oddysey
2010: The Year We Make Contact
High Fidelity
Dawn Of The Dead
The Departed
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
THX 1138
Fight Club
TOP 10:
in no particular order
Family Guy
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
The Simpsons
The Daily Show
Flight of the Concords
American Chopper
Miami Ink
The Graham Norton Show
TOP 5:
in no particular order
3001: The Final Odyssey
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Catcher in the Rye
Vice Magazine
The Onion
I would like to consider this section to list people that are not my heroes, per say, but rather artists that are influences on my work/life etc.Anton Corbjin, Stanley Kubrick, Olafur Eliasson, James Turrell, Dan Flavin, Stan Brakhage, Jean Luc Godard, Franz Klein, Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollack, Alan Cohen, William Wegman, Doug Dubois. I know there's a ton more that should be on here, but i cant remember their names.