...ACTRESS REBECCA GRANT. She has just completed acting with Christian Slater and Alex Kingston in the London's Westend production of "ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST" She is currently playing the character "VIOLA" in "TWELFTH NIGHT" at the "ROYAL" in Northampton.Royal website: http://www.royalandderngate.co.uk/en/Home/WhatsOn/TwelfthNig ht ========================================================== Fri 26 Jan - Sat 17 FebEvenings 7.45pm Matinees 2.30pmOlivia’s household is in deep mourning until a cheeky young man arrives with messages of love from Count Orsino.Olivia falls head over heels for the young man, who happens to be a cheeky young girl in love with the Count. This tangled knot of desire will not be untied until chaos has reigned.Twelfth Night is the bittersweet comedy that opened the Royal in 1884. This production is inspired by the theatre’s Victorian past and brought to life by a dynamic ensemble and live musicians.Tickets £8.00 - £21.00===================================================== =====Offical Website: http://www.rebecca-grant.com / E-Mail address: [email protected]
So Many People Ask....................That all important question! What is the ideal figure? Well, that really does depend on the type of work you do. As a guide, if you want to be in high fashion tall and slender is the key. Most lingerie and swimwear companies base their products and fittings on a 34B bra size 22/24 waist and 34 hip. If want to work in glamour then the well know 'hour glass' figure is great, 36-24-36. To model shoes and footwear you normally need to be a size 4. (If you are feeling metrically challenged at this point, then take a look at the Angels Conversion Charts by clicking here).If you are close to the above measurements, then you stand a good chance of making it in some way or other if you apply a high degree of perseverance and are ambitious. If you are physically nowhere near the sizes mentioned, then there is little chance that you will have a successful career in the modeling industry. Time to be honest with yourself!There are however, other opportunities for some people to specialize in hand modeling or feet, or legs, or eyes etc. This may be a possibility for you and something you can explore if you think you have what it takes.Another avenue is to be an 'in house' model where specific statistics will vary depending on the manufacturers requirements. Be warned ! You are usually measured every week for this and cannot fluctuate. Show room seasons usually run for 6 weeks at a time and are a good way to earn regular income.So to re cap the options are:Haut Couture/Fashion - Catwalk (Runway)Photographic - Commercial / Print / GlamourShow Room - Specific Manufacturers requirements (Can be seasonal)Specialty - Hands, Legs, Eyes etc.Which ever you decide remember - unless you are signed up with a company with a termed contract (and very few are) there is no guarantee of a regular income. It will vary enormously from day to day, week to week, month to month. Nothing one day, 1000's the next and back to nothing again. So be prepared.
Waiting On The World To Change
By John Mayer
...MODEL JOHNATHAN WILLIAMS Offical website: http://jonny_w.net-model.com / E-mail : [email protected]