if they were alive,Mother Teresa,Martin Luther King,Princess Di,any1 that has stood up and made a difference to peoples lives. And anyone with a good strong head on their shoulders who can get on a level,and any1 that likes 2 laugh.it would also love 2 meet audrey hepburn, and marilyn monroe and coco chanel..style icons!!
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Hip hop.RnB, funky house is my fave for a night out,i love love love Hed Kandi.. but if i like a tune i like it, doesnt matter on the genre.. Biggy Smalls, Naz, Killers, Micheal jackson, Linoel Richie, UB40, Luther Vandross, coreen bailey rae, hed kandi..you see??.. random as a flying frog!
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soooo many to name, again, im so random, but the best i can think of at the mo are.. City Of God..(AMAZING film) devils advocate (deep) godfather ( classic) bad boys( hilarious) fast and furious ( sexy!) cant forget the childhood films.. uncle buck, drop dead fred, home alone, edward scissor hands, laberynth..wicked! also love my horrors.. grudge, saw..agggh!
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dont really watch loads of t.v but i do love friends,always cheers me up! and eastenders..at least my dramas seem small when i watch that..hollyoaks, DEAL OR NO DEAL..sooo good! extreme makeover..interior design programs.. mmmm did i say i didnt watch much tv??!
The celestine prophecy is a wicked book about existence and coincidence etc..very deep and thought provoking! find it hard to concentrate reading stories, prefer knowledge books that make me think.. knowledge is power after all!
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Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Princess Diana, anyone else that has stood up and made an effort to make a difference, i have a lot of respect for anyone that makes a difference to peoples lives! i also look up to my mum in a big way, shes taught me alot about strength through bad times and always stays so positive! love positive people that shine!