Sarah profile picture


A cloud hangs over, and mutes my happiness....

About Me

I am a laid back, easy going, loving person. I enjoy life and want to live it to the fullest. I like to have fun no matter where I am or what I am doing...

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who enjoy the same things as me, and who have a good sense of humor. People who are real. Who ever else tickles my fancy at the moment.


I don't like to confine myself to a genre, Some Favs: Indigo Girls, Fleetwood Mac, Janis Joplin, Bob Marley, Black Uhuru, Method Man, Redman, Cat Stevens, Panic at the Disco, Rage Against the Machine, The Roots, System of a Down, KMFDM, Soundgarden, Beastie Boys, Villebillies, Blind Melon, Ramones, Tori Amos, Prince, Hank Williams, Dead Prez, Lemonheads, Jedi Mind Tricks, Sly and the Family Stone, The Doors, Beck, Outkast, The Beatles, Gwar, Grateful Dead, Radiohead, Ray Charles, I could be here all week doing this.. you get the idea..


Volver, The Devil's Backbone, Requiem for a Dream, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Rocky Horror, The Lady in White, Ed Wood, Team America, Little Miss Sunshine, Donnie Brasco, anything directed by Tim Burton, Werner Hertzog, or Guillermo Del Toro. Also, I think I like the Harry Potter movies / Books more than a grown up should. :o)


Family Guy, South Park, anything on Adult swim, especially Home Movies and Moral Oral. Basically, Anything animated. I also love Cash Cab, Weeds, the L Word, the Sopranos, The Daily show, The Colbert Report, and I have a ridiculous addiction to Law and Order SVU. I could watch it all day and night...


Recently read: The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons - Dan Brown Favorites: Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck, Motorcycle Diaries - Che Guevera Currently Reading: Autobiography of Red - Anne Carson


My Mom, Gloria Steinem, Zach De La Rocha. In that order. lolImg Src=