I like2 Socialize wiv my m8s , go out Partyin, Drinking, Singing, Dancing, Swimming, Listenin 2Music, Films, Lyndsey, Cinema, Learning new things
Many many ppl from all over da world, different cultures, age, sex and religion all2 learn things about other ppl's lifestyles and ways ov living!!!!! I would like 2meet Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Tom cruise, Matt Damon, Katie Price(JORDAN), Kate Moss, Whitney Houston and obviously da love ov my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope haha.
I love R'n'B all kinds as long as i can shake my bottie 2it!!! Haha I like a variety ov music from old skool, love songs, hip hop, rap, dance and many more
Dirty Dancing, Flashdance, Labriynth, Notebook, Titanic, Coyote Ugly, Clueless, Silence Ov Da Lambs, Rocky, Kickboxer, Kidergarden Cop, Grease1&2, Secret Garden,
Coronation Street, Eastenders, Emmerdale, Hollyoaks, Bad Girls, Friends, Trisha, Jeremery Kylie, Ricky Lake, Shameless,
Katie Price (jordan) as u can tell dont do books!!!!!!
Jodie(ex-youth worker)who's jst ad er 1st baby girl yesterday, so congrats 2er i say, well Jodie has made me in2 a better person, she always pushed me 2da best ov my abilities jst to prove2me dat u can do nefin wen u put ur mind in2it?? I can never say thank u enough!!!!!!!!!!