.:!Dirk!:. profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me


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Wanted: Real friends for life :-)
VooV 2003

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I am looking for people who like to talk and discuss about
*Our Future
You can talk to about: *that what is going on in your life.
*things what makes you happy and sad.
* Visit me on my Website
A little bit more about me:::
*My Hometown is Luebeck
Concordia Domi Foris Pax
*My mother and father have a lot fun in the year 1971.
Shit happens:-)
*After a long time learning,hard working and looking
for the right job, I make the decision to stay here
in Norderstedt, nearly to the Hamburg Airport
*English is not my favourite language but I hope you understand it:-)
*Now i work in a little office as an forwarding agent
and i am responsible for the im/export of Aviation Spare Parts.
From Businessjets up to the greater models from Airbus and Boeing
*My next task i will do is to become a DGSA
(Dangerous Goods Security Advisor) to set up
my own company in the future.
*I am not married, have no kids because i still looking
for the right girl for me.
If you can imagine is not easy these days.
You want to know more about me?Just ask and i will answer.
My starsign is the TAURUS and i am proud about it, so when you are belive in horoscops or know a little bit about star signs
you know who i am. i am a very typical one...
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I am the master of desaster!!!
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My Interests

My Starsign

My daily work... expedition of spareparts for this awesome plane

My private community page

Marvel Action Heroes (Fantastic 4 - Spiderman - Xmen - Punisher

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I'd like to meet:

*Nice people with alot of humor!
*A girl like Avril Lavigne.
*People with interesting opinions !
*People who are interested and working
in the aviation sector to share experiences.
My favourites:
* Mustang
* Harley Davidson
* my mum, my sister and my brothers
* maybe u !!!! if you want. But i am not searching,
because i am still waiting for YOU....
the Stooges are coming back;-)Sesamstraße Verarschung

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Led Zeppelin- stairway to heaven

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Best Motion Graphics Studio, DFORM1

Zu meinem Profil hinzufügen | Mehr Videos *Rock
***************************** *Avril Lavigne
*Böhse Onkelz
*Depeche Mode
*Billy Idol
*Green Day
*Robbie Williams
*Northern Lite



* Abyss
* Star Wars
* Herr der Ringe
* The Ring
* Trainspotting
* Bube,Dame,Gras
und noch einige mehr. Wenn ich mal daran erinnern könnte


*American Choppers
*Dr. House


*John Grisham, Stephen King.....
all what u can read from Beginning to the end
without falling asleep.
What i read currently is ERAGON...


Ozzy - Crazy Train

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manfred mann "the mighty quinn"

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My Blog

Am Beginn ist das Ende - Teil 2

Diese Frage beantwortete er mit einen stillschweigen und liess sich uebersetzen. Am anderen Ufer angekommen verspuerte er ein leichtes Unbehagen, denn ploetzlich hoerte er Stimmen im Wind. Es war mehr...
Posted by .:!Dirk!:. on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 01:33:00 PST

My own Fantasystory must be continued...

Am Beginn ist das Ende Auf allen Vieren kroch er durch die Wüste mit dem Ziel vor Augen aus dieser Einöde zu entkommen. Die Sonne brannte frontal in sein Gesicht und zog ihm die letzten Reserven aus d...
Posted by .:!Dirk!:. on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 06:37:00 PST

Check out this video: Driftin in tokyo

Posted By:LoGAnGet this video and more at MySpace.comCoole Sache das...
Posted by .:!Dirk!:. on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 11:40:00 PST

Wer ich bin !

Hey Ihr da draußen im www !Ich bin ein junger Mann der nach Unterhaltung und Abwechslung sucht. Zu meinen Charakter:Positiv* Zielstrebig* Korrekt* Freundlich* Zuverlässig* Fleißig* Treu zu Freunden u ...
Posted by .:!Dirk!:. on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:35:00 PST