this is my baby chris. from the 1st time i saw him, he caught my eye in an instant. i had always has dreams about meeting a guy like him. and i finally met the guy ive longed to meet. when i saw you, i was so afraid to say anything to him. but thank goodness, that my best friend cesar hooked us up after two months of playing eye tag. on may 15th, 2007 my chrissy bear finally got the courage to ask me out. i feel in love so fast is unbelieveable. but its so true. he means everything to me. and i dont know what i would do without him. hes like my heart. my soul. my lungs. my blood. my veins. my air. my food. my water. everything that keeps me alive. he is so irreplaceable. no one would be able to love me like he does. or i could never love anyone like i love him. he is so perfect for me. and im so finally happy i found mr.right. and after searching for 14 years. i finally found the one. the one who truely makes me happy. im just like totally n love with him. holding his hand makes me shake. his kisses make me love him more and more eachday. his hugs are just the best and make me want to like die. every moment im not with him i feel like dying b/c i miss him so much. hes like uhhh. when im with him im just so like happy. and not being with him. uhhhh it hurts. the seconds feel like minutes.. the minutes feel like hours.. the hours feel like days.. the days feel like weeks.. the months and the months feel like years. but we will never be away from eachother for that long. but its really hard not seeing him. im so glad that i moved here. because if i didnt. i would have never met the love of my life that makes me so happy to be alive. here's a poem that is dedicated you you baby i hAD ClOSED tHE dO0R UPON MY hEART ANDd WOULDN'T lET ANYONE iN i hAD tRUSTED AND lOVED ONLY tO bE hURT bUT tHAT WOUlD NEVER hAPPEN AGAiN. i lOCKEDd tHE dO0R ANDd tOSSEDd tO kEY AS hARD ANDd AS fAR AS i COUlD MY hEART WAS tHEN ClOSEDd fOR GOODdtHEN YOU CAME iNTO MY LiFE ANDd MADdE ME CHANGE MY MiND. jST WhEN i tHOUGHT tHAT tiNY kEY WAS iMPOSSibLE tO FiND tHAT iS WHEN YU hELDd OUT YOUR hADd ANDd PROVEDDd ME WRONG iNSiDE YOU PAlM WAS tHE kEY tO MY hEART YOU hADd iT ALl AlONG always and forever baby. no matter what. [051507] until the world ends. and after that (=