Approximately 40% of North Americans are currently taking a multi-vitamin. What many do not realize is that they might be causing more harm than benefit.Synthetic vitamins are included in many brand name supplements today and could be dangerous to your health. Did you know that taking the synthetic form of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can actually thicken the arterial walls of the heart by as much as 2.5 times? Other synthetic forms of Vitamins A, E, B, etc. can be potentially just as dangerous. Most supplement products on the market today use synthetic vitamins rather than whole vitamins straight from vegetables and fruits. Synthetic vitamins are much cheaper to manufacture and market. The Greatest Vitamin in the World uses only the highest quality and grade of vitamins and minerals combined with other scientifically proven nutrients to support your body nutritionally! Synthetic vitamins can increase the activity of nerve cells and stimulate a feeling of euphoria and temporary increase in energy, while incurring long-term damage to the body. The whole food vitamins in our formula supply the individual cells with the nutrients they need to flourish. greatest vitamin
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CURING ILLNESS - Backed By Over 500 Scientific Studies. A Revolutionary new book designed to help you live a healthy life. Curing Illness: Backed By Over 500 Scientific Studies covers amazing research that has been proven to support people who are dealing with many different health issues. This book is not designed to promote any nutritional support supplement. It simply provides amazing scientific studies that might help educate you on how much your diet could be affecting your health and the things you might be able to do to better support your body's health. click here