Try To Leave Behind A Trail That Will Lead People To The Changes That You Where Not Able To Make In Your Life Time.
- Music , Music , Music
- Simplistiks Studios
- Simplistiks Visuals
- Avit North America Founder
- Analog Arts
- Electronic Arts
- The Revolution
- Video And Film Production
- Record Production
- Shibari
- Skateboarding
- Drop Bass
- Snowboarding
- Photography
- Sex
- Dancing
- Travel
- Fetishism
- Fetish Fashion And Photography
- Rainy Days And Cloudy Sky's
- Event Production
- And Of Course, Miss Nix...
Any one that takes pride in what they do and say. This shits for real, and if your not with it step back. {I Edit Life, and The Sound Track To It} On The Look Out 4 - Video and Photo Shoot Models, Mc's, Singers, Producers and Lables And HipStep'ers World Wide!!!
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway... where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." - Hunter S. Thompson
- CutCopyPaste - RenderRewind - AVit - The First North American Audio/Visual Conference And Performance Showcase For VJ' -
Taking The Audio/Visual movement To The Next LEVEL...PIXEL PUSSY!!! WE ARE GOING TO FUCK YOUR TV's. Chek - It'
Hunter S. Thompson Charles Burkowski