Penelope profile picture


¤ÑªÅ¤§«° In Space, In Time, In Love, Infinity...

About Me

Taiwan~Wedelia~AnPan~Dalki~Little_Twin_Star~MayDay~HikoSen~T ravelling~Singing~Day_Dreaming~stoning~being_lame~tok_kok~bi om...©_¼¯©ç½æ............

My Interests

Surfing the Net, watching TV, Singing, Day-dreaming, blogging

I'd like to meet:

Sorry...But I'm only opened to ppl who are real.. So if you are damn hypo, dun bother to come and tok to me.. But in the first place..I wun even tok to ya arz?? Ohoh..erm..pls learn to be lame n tok kok b4 coming near me!!


Mmmm...Ya..Mayday..¤­¤ë¤Ñ¡I Er... OKie okie~~ I'm a very Chee-Na person~~ So I only listen to CHinese Songs.. But in the first place, I'm Taiwanese wat!


Forest Gump...Armageddon.. Edward Scissorhands... The others...Legally Blonde 1... ¤­¤ë¤Ñ¡m·nºu¥»¨Æ¡nTURN LEFT TURN RIGHT!¡m¦V¥ª¨«¡A¦V¥k¨«¡n! (Cuz the whole show's filmed in TAIWAN!!)


Mmm...I lyk Paulo Coelho's stuff... Beri nice lehz.. Tsai Zhi Hong... µl¤l½²¡Ð²Ä¤@¦¸ªº¿Ë±K±µÄ² Sophie Kinsella (Yes!! I love the shopaholic series!!)