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WOULD YOU RELAX YOUR FREAKING ME OUT!!!! oh wait, im doing that..... never mind, you may resume your

About Me

Sometimes im serious and vigilant and other times I could care less, somewhere in the middle of that is where im headed and the journey has been amazing. I dig working with my hands and creating things of beauty, I wouldn’t say im an artist (what ever that means) but I like to figure out how things fit together, to solve the puzzle, to see what works and what doesn’t and what suits me. My Heart lies in the wilderness, reading, art, science, movies, music, eastern philosophies, building and restoring my home, hanging out with friends and making new ones.

My Interests

the mind, Writing, Wood working, ice and alpine climbing, Mountains, solitude, going against the grain just to see what comes up, Reading, Meditation, building restorations, Photography, back packing, cycling, science, philosophies in general but mostly Tibetan Buddhism, change, and reality. See more Hayden Panettiere videos at Funny or Die

I'd like to meet:

His Holiness the Dalia Lama, Albert Einstein, Jimmy Hendrix, George Bush so i could ask him to pull his head out of his ass, the guy who made Toblerone Chocolate so i could thank him, Mr Rodgers, Gandolf the Grey, God, Pete Seeger, Dr Martin Luther King,the tank man from Tienanmen Square uprising, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, folks with an open yet decisive mind, who can think for themselves, who take responsibility, who have a spiritual sense and a compassionate heart, folks who laugh at themselves, who are considerate and politely honest and women with great legs that can hold a job and have a spiritual practice. being a sugar daddy doesn't fit me, don't bother contacting me if you cant define between life and life style. also someone that can help me spell cause i suck at it. any long lost friends that don't have a my space account but what to get a hold of me can zing me an email at [email protected].


Mississippi delta Blues, Jazz, rock & roll, Symphony, blue grass, some rap, lots of funk, got to have soul, Cash, any Jimmy Hendrix, punk, Ella Fitzgerald, Maria Callas, Etta James,Led Zepplin, anything from Cream, some teckno, Traffic and Stevie Ray Vaughn.


LOTR trilogy, Shawshank redemption, Magnolia, dumb and dummer, the big lewbowski, an L.A. story, rear window, stranger than fiction, Aliens, the great escape, the fog of war, heavy metal, Marathon man, clock work orange, forest gump, very bad things, Taxi driver, animal house, anything with Robert Deniro or Dustin Hoffman.




I know it says books, but authors is quicker, anything from his Holiness, Isaac Asimov's Chronology of science and discovery, Henry David Thoreau, Mark Twain, the Prophet, Thomas Merton, Walt Whitman favorite book, "the souls code" in search of character and calling, by James Hillman


My Daughter, she defines a self made women. im proud of you squirt. and anyone that has been to hell and back, refuses to play the victim, has figured it out, can laugh about it, say they are genuinely happy, and freely give help to others that genuinely want help and not just attention. just not enough of those folks around.

My Blog

who we are and how money works

this thing starts out very dark and bleak, but ends with gleaming hope for all humanity.PLEASE WATCH THIS its around two hours but well worth your time. if nothing else you will gain knowledge. empow...
Posted by Karl on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 07:33:00 PST

Look within, its there.

So this past Saturday (6/28/08) I go to Kroger's on wayne to do some grocery shopping.  Sunday morning I wake up and go about my day, which usually means a run to Home depot (it's a Sunday mornin...
Posted by Karl on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 03:47:00 PST

Karma Helen Keller couldnt ignore!

Early Monday after noon will with out a doubt go down as one of the stranger days of my life. I start off the day with a really really great massage. Not only a really really great massage but a reall...
Posted by Karl on Tue, 13 May 2008 08:04:00 PST

WAKE UP...... its time to do something (updated 5/18/08)

so 4000 is the new number, the death toll for American troops, no one can really say how many Iraq's have died, some estimates are in the 200,000 range. are we past the point of no return?, i cant acc...
Posted by Karl on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 12:52:00 PST

dreams interpretation

so im taking Chantix to stop smoking. it warns of vivid dreams and im having them. im in the canopy of massive trees, mostly oak, teak and Mahogany which are all hardwoods and is odd because they ...
Posted by Karl on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 04:50:00 PST

And now for something completely different.

I got tagged by Destin the very day I subscribed to his blog, and thanks me by tagging me with this goofy game&&&&&. You bastard. Ok so here's how you play. Once you've been tagged, you have to write ...
Posted by Karl on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:32:00 PST

Bavarian sugar cookie

I watched a movie the other night that has stuck with me ever since I turned off the DVD player. Well not the entire movie just the last bit of dialogue. The movie is "Stranger than fiction" with Will...
Posted by Karl on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 06:53:00 PST


got this with the help of a friend (thanks Kitty) been a long time since i have read it. perfect, balanced, a manual for the living.Hope you enjoy!big lovekarlIF.....IF you can keep your head when all...
Posted by Karl on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 08:57:00 PST

MS Zen moments, if thats possable.

I've been on My Space for little over a year and amidst all the spam, and porn and just down right bullshit, there is a bit of grace and wisdom. Not always in huge earth shattering obviousness, but ve...
Posted by Karl on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 07:20:00 PST


1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point ahair dryer at passing cars.  See if they slow down.2. Page yourself over the intercom.  Don't disguise your voice.3. Ev...
Posted by Karl on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 03:27:00 PST