Making sexy time explosions in my girlfriend or dog's underwear
Alfred Hitchcock. I said that one time at the Library in 2nd grade when some author had come in to talk about her new book and read it to us. "Do you know Alfred Hitchcock? Cause I'd like to meet him." "Alfred Hitchcock is dead Matt" said my librarian, and all the teachers and everyone in the second grade classes gathered there that day had a nice laugh about it. That's probably why I hate books. That or I'm lazy or still have a second grade reading level. Either way, I wish Hitchcock had made a movie about a librarian who dies because a bunch of books learn to fly and dive bomb paper cut her until she dies. Or maybe somebody just shoots her a bunch of times with a gun.
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Roast Beef and Muenster, Chicken Parm, Turkey with Prov, Eggplant