I'm a combination of many different themes or better yet contradictions. I love nature, but I live in the city. I spent some time out west and got bored but I really loved the desert sands of NM. Right now, I am the Director of a Group Home for foster children. I've been working within the social service system for many years in different cities and yet I see the same things. Broken systems enabling children who age out of foster care to be homeless or incarcerated. I try to change this in any way I can. I have learned every loop hole, every crack, any flaw and I use this to the advantage of the youth that I serve. I see the worst in the human race, but I also see the best. It gets me up in the morning and secretly I love it. I love it because it forces me to see things that most people will never understand. I hate it for that same reason. So many people complain about silly things in life and I don't understand them anymore, I can't even relate anymore. Most of us take life for granted but I'm reminded everyday how fortunate we all are. So instead of ignoring the problems that our society has created, I have the unique opportunity to help out.... so that's what I do.
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I'd like to meet anyone who can inspire me to grow as a human being. Teach me something and I will love you forever.....
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