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I Speak English!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

If you're proselyting your religion, selling something, or promoting your band, don't bother asking to be a friend. All bands will be deleted and blocked as we come across them on the friends list. Also, no minors.
Two people run this site; 1 from Minneapolis and 1 from Houston. Although there are two of us, we both stay very busy in our personal lives. We do the best we can to keep this site current.
Obviously, we are thoroughly annoyed by the number of illegal immigrants who cross our borders every day, and our government's refusal to take this problem seriously. They come into this country, spit on our soil, refuse to learn English, sing the National Anthem in their language, fly our flag upsidedown with theirs on top, refuse to adapt to OUR culture, among other things.
They laugh in our face and when someone tries to do something about it, another complains that we are violating THEIR civil rights. Rights? I thought these rights were for U.S. citizens and LEGAL guests in our country only! Yet, their mother countries do not offer the same concessions to U.S. citizens or anyone else for that matter who is not a citizen of their own country! Maybe we need to change our constitution to reflect the same ideals as their own such as if you're an immigrant you cannot parttake in our politics!
While our country has obvious problems (DUH!), NO country is without problems. You can't have your cake and eat it too! Remember, YOU chose to come here! We didn't force you in! If your own country is so wonderful, why are you here? Is it for a better opportunity? Then stop complaining! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! not yours! If you don't like it then you are invited to leave! And don't let the door hit you on your ass on the way out!
Most people who come here assimulate to our culture, not try to change it; force a language on us that's not spoken by most citizens; not shove your religion down our throats.
You have the freedom to speak your language in your home and community; but if you need to communicate with those outside your little world, LEARN ENGLISH! Don't know engish? don't answer your phone! Or get caller ID to screen your calls. I really don't understand how anyone can run a business or get a decent job in this country and NOT speak english. Come on! Did you really come to this country so you can stand at Home Depot or anywhere else to work as a day laborer?
The same with your religion for those who come here on religious visa only to shove Islam or whatever religion down our throats. You're no better than the bible thumping born again evangelists that most Christians and non-Christians can't stand to be around! Why America? Why don't you go pick on Russia? China? Mexico? Try shoving Islam down their throat!
Freedom of speach and religion does not mean shove it down our throats! If you want to live here, duty to OUR country comes BEFORE your religion and your culture! Otherwise, GET OUT!
People in other countries - particularly those in Europe - consider it RUDE not to speak their language; so why come here and expect us to speak your language? The reason why so many people in Europe know more than one language is due to the close proximity of other countries to their own. So don't come here and expect someone who lives in Kansas to speak your language. It's a reasonable request ONLY if you live along the border. The further away you get from the border, and the more into the countryside you travel, the least likely you are to find someone who speaks your language, in ANY country you visit.
We do not have a problem with immigration; this country was built on immigration. We only wish they would come in through the front door LEGALLY. If you can't get here legally, what are you hiding? If you're not hiding anything, then apply the legal way. When you entered this country illegally, at that moment you broke your first law on American soil. If you want to be here that bad - AND stay, get here the LEGAL way. If you get caught and deported then you ruin your chance FOREVER to ever be here legally. Do the right thing!
If you ask to be a friend and it appears later on that you're only here to run your mouth (I suspect because those people like to see their name in print) and talk some smack, twist and distort what we have to say, play the Devil's Advocate, and basically be an ass, you will find your comment removed, we will block you and remove you as a friend. We welcome SUPPORTERS of our cause only. This is NOT a debate forum.
Also, if you're just a little PO'd that we don't like Bush, TOO BAD! So what if this site is just a leeeeettle bit anti-Bush; like we're the only ones on the net. The last time I checked this was STILL a FREE country and it's our right to voice our opinion about the President even if it does not agree with yours or the Polls! Get over yourself already!
AND...since it is STILL a FREE country, we all reserve the right to remove each other as friends if you're not going to respect OUR little corner of the internet. Don't come over to our home and tell us how to do things or how to think! You do what you want on your site. That's why you have one, isn't it?
Besides, if you're going to come over here and shove your beliefs down our throat, we have no reason to believe you are truely interested in what we have to say. So yes, we will stifle your voice on our page if necessary. If you want to complain about our page on your site and post a link, go ahead. We can use the traffic. We're not paying for the bandwidth!
We are well aware that the illegal immigration problem is not restricted to Mexicans; there are Chinese nationals shipping themselves here in crates and people from all over getting in illegally; but Mexicans are the worst violators and we hear about them committing more crimes than any other nationality - like it or not!
We are also aware that the problem did not start with Bush, but with Reagan and every President since then with their NAFTA programs, Amnesty, and Affirmative Action programs. But "W" made it worse! Don't be surprised if the Senate is secretly meeting to work on ANOTHER amnesty!
We welcome bulletins pertaining to Illegal Immigration that we can post in the blog section for discussion. Enjoy!
To all the hardnosed hardasses out there who think this page is only about the Mexicans: THERE IS NOTHING RACIST ABOUT BEING AGAINST ****ILLEGAL**** IMMIGRATION!! TO BE A RACIST WE HAVE TO SEE A COLOR!! WE DON'T SEE A COLOR!!! WE SEE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FROM DIFFERENT PARTS OF THIS WORLD ENTERING OUR COUNTRY !!!! Come in through the front door like everyone else, learn the language, assimilate, and we'll like you and respect you just as much as the next person. Break the law and sneak in, put your country before your new one, raise your flag above the US flag (against the law!), refuse to assimilate into OUR culture and force change in our country to benefit your ethnicity instead of for the good of AMERICAN people, refuse to learn English, and hold rallys to encourage revolts? Well now we have a problem. And BTW, the right to protest and hold rallys is for US citizens. And it doesn't mean encourage people to revolt, commit treason, or anything against the law including hate speech. We may have freedom of speech but it's limited meaning we can't yell FIRE in the movie theater or bomb on an airplane. Too bad there are too many cops out there too chicken shit to arrest your violent crazy asses and send you back from whence you came. Forget about getting back "stolen" land; the US got it fair and square! Do you research a little bit better! Throughout history countries have been buying land from each other or annexing land via a treaty as a result of war or something. You don't have to like it! Beside, if (pretty big if) you got back the land you say the US owes you and both countries reset the borders, you would have the same problems you had in Mexico that you had before and be trying to sneak back over to the US again! If you love Mexico so much, if you're country is so wonderful, what the hell are you doing here? Why don't you go back to your own country and revolt there? Push through another revolution if you have to! And while you're doing that maybe America will be going through their own revolution and put some representatives in the White House who actually care about our borders enough to keep your lawbreaking asses out of our country! What do you want? The US government to give the entire state of California to Mexicans to live on like a reservation similar to what they have for the American Indians? GET REAL!!!! You already have your own slab of land. It's called MEXICO!!! And it's not even sanctioned by the United States government. It just happens to be where your government and ours drew the border line; so you have your country and we have ours. Your government agreed to this back in 1836 when we kicked your Mexican asses in a war. Your lucky you got what you have; we won the war and could have taken more but didn't. You preach about being against Imperialism yet you are trying to get just that for Mexico. Can you spell HYPOCRITE? There is only one, yes ONE nationality that continuously insists on US citizens speaking their language and that's Mexicans. I work with a lot of different people and come into contact with many different nationalities and ethnic groups and it never fails that when someone refuses to speak English and play the language barrier card that person is a spanish speaker. Although I understand you, I'm not going to admit that I too speak Spanish. I use it when I have to but I refuse to at work when you can speak English. I was not hired as a bi-lingual employee. I pretend I don't understand a word you're saying until you're to the point of frustration and start speaking English bit by bit. Yes, I admit it! I do it on purpose. You can scream que habla as loudly as you want to but I will never acknowledge to you that I know what you're staying. I'll keep playing the English card just as stubbornly as you play your Spanish card. Only I have a better excuse than you do. You don't have an excuse! You're in the US of A! No one forced you to come here! Like I said I was not hired to be a bi-lingual employee. I didn't even put it on my job application that I can speak Spanish. You come here and you expect people to cater to you and speak your language? Oh my god! What fucking planet did you come from? I speak Spanish ONLY when I have to travel to Mexico! ONLY! I took the trouble to learn your language. You can learn ours! If you were still in Mexico and you worked in a tourist part of town you would have no choice but to learn English. Not because most visitors are from the United States. But because English is the second language choice of most citizens of other countries whether they are from China, Japan, or France. I know there are some ugly Americans out there who demand people to speak English when they're out of the country and I've condemned them for the same behavior and not bring with them at least a pocket dictionary, but at least they're in the tourist part of town (mostly) where English is expected. At least they're only visiting. You're trying to live here! What are you going to do in the event of an emergency? Wait 15 minutes for the attendant to find someone who speaks Spanish? It's an emergency! you don't have time to wait for that! If you answer the phone in English I know you can speak it! Every other ethnic group tries to speak some English and I'm more likely to believe them when they say 'no speak English' than some other certain ethnic group. Not all spanish speakers do this, but whenever there is a problem it never fails to be someone who speaks spanish. And don't think for a moment the only ones in this country illegally are Mexican. Illegal immigrants from India are on the rise. Their country is so over-populated and many can't find jobs. They simply over stay their visa. That still doesn't make it right. They're still illegal and take the same chances are you on getting caught. But at least they're attempting to learn our language and assimilate. You don't see them holding rallys and encouraging revolts and making themselves a public nuisance! It's only the hispanics you see out there screaming foul play and unfair! You made it unfair! not us! My overall theory is, if you refuse to speak English then you're illegal. Of course that's not a fool proof theory; besides, it's just that, a theory. You may be laughing now because you're in the country but you won't be laughing when you're ass is hauled back to your mother country and you're forbidden from entering the US ever again and you lose your right forever to be a citizen of this great country you so badly want to live in! Then we'll see who's laughing then! you won't be laughing when you're thrown out of our country and can't see your spouse and kids and grandkids. Now who's fault is that? No one forced you to enter this country illegally! you made a conscience decision to do that! If you have a child in the military and you think that you'll get automatic citizenship thanks to them fighting for our country you better think again if you've been thrown out of ourcountry in the past for being here illegally! Or are you going to hold a press conference and try to get people to rally to your side and beg the government to make an exception? The least you can do is do the right thing, apply for citizenship the right way, and no matter how long it takes, learn English while you're waiting for approval. I will never understand how people think they can live in and function in a foreign country without learning enough of the language to get around and get a job. All court records and legal documents are in English! We shouldn't have to print up special publications in your language because you refuse to learn English! This is a waste of corporate and tax payer money! Oh! but wait! you're illegal! you don't pay your taxes the way we do! Sure, you pay at the grocery a sales tax, but you don't pay the IRS! You're too busy working day labor jobs! Is all you strive for are to do the jobs you think American's won't do? Don't you have any pride in yourselves? I think much higher of illegal immigrants who want to do more than mow someone's lawn. Wanna know why you're doing jobs most Americans don't want? Because we have the jobs you CAN'T get! If you could get our jobs you wouldn't be mowing other people's lawns! Besides, most Americans are just too damn busy taking our kids to soccer practice and cheerleading to worry about mowing the lawn! That's what we pay you to do! How degrading is that? But guess what! If we had to, we'd have junior or the boy down the street mow the lawn for $5 or $10 and teach them how to earn an honest living something you don't know how to do because you're in this country illegally using someone elses social security number! Or better yet: I'll mow my own damn lawn!!!!! Thankyou, thankyouvermuch! And if you don't believe a word I wrote here then ask an immigration attorney.
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Parody site: Border Patrol
US Department of State National Border Patrol Museum"
Minutemen HQ
Minutemen Project
Fire Coalition
Texas Border Watch
Arizona Border Watch
California Border Watch
New Mexico Border Watch
Send a Brick! Take a stand! Build a Wall! Secure our Borders! Click here!
American Patrol Report. Click here!
Immigrations Human Cost -- Click Here!
Numbers USA. Click here!
Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform. Click here!
Federation for American Immigration Reform. Click here!
Americans for Legal Immigration
The Star Spangled Banner
Support Farmers Branch
Hazelton, Pennsylvania
GovTrack, Tracking the U.S. Congress
THOMAS - Library of Congree"
United States House Representatives 109th Congress, 2nd Session Homepage. Find your representative here and email or write them


Toby Keith: Courtesy of the Red White and Blue (The Angry American)



Our Founding Fathers.

My Blog

Mexico frees suspect in US agents death

http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2008/06/26/20080626ra mming.htmlMexico frees suspect in U.S. agent's death by Sean Holstege - Jun. 26, 2008 12:0...
Posted by I Speak English! on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 07:59:00 PST

this one really pisses me off! (long)

Ok everyone! Carefully read the email message below, then read my comments. I'll tell you why it's messed up and I don't mean just the formatting (lol) which after several efforts I think I got that s...
Posted by I Speak English! on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 08:29:00 PST

Speaking of border watch....

GREAT NEWS! Patriots as you all know the fight against day labor sites in the Houston area have been a long and painful struggle.  Well the time has come to celebrate.  The Houston City Co...
Posted by I Speak English! on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 09:23:00 PST

Obama’s Divisive Immigration Policies

http://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/obama_immigration/2008/06/0 9/102846.html?s=al&promo_code=6405-1Obama's Divisive Immigration Policies Monday, June 9, 2008 9:...
Posted by I Speak English! on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 08:53:00 PST

Mexico rejects conditions on U.S. drug aid

http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl?id=2008_457795 4 Mexico rejects conditions on U.S. drug aid Associated Press MEXICO CITY - The Mexican government warned Monday...
Posted by I Speak English! on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 02:43:00 PST

Bush administration steps up immigration raids

http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl?id=2008_457697 1 Bush administration steps up immigration raids / Election year aside, ICE vows to go full force By STEWART M. POWELL, WASHINGTON B...
Posted by I Speak English! on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 02:53:00 PST

Fighting drugs and making a stand in Culiacan

http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/world/5810654.html June 1, 2008, 8:19AM Fighting drugs and making a stand in Culiacan Federal troops lock down region in effort to bring gangsters to h...
Posted by I Speak English! on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 02:47:00 PST

Fighting drugs and making a stand in Culiacan

http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/world/5810654.html June 1, 2008, 8:19AM Fighting drugs and making a stand in Culiacan Federal troops lock down region in effort to bring gangsters to h...
Posted by I Speak English! on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 02:47:00 PST

Glenn Beck video

Gotta love him! I'm sure this is an old video. Plus, the other thing on Calderon's complaint about the US apprehending "undocumented workers" is that in Mexico the government is very harsh on those in...
Posted by I Speak English! on Sat, 31 May 2008 12:02:00 PST

Mexico rushes aid to anti-drug forces

http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl?id=2008_457542 9 Mexico rushes aid to anti-drug forces / 200 officers dispatched to city where gunmen killed 8 policemen By DUDLEY ALTHAUS ...
Posted by I Speak English! on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 03:09:00 PST