We are io.
Our music can be best desribed as combinations of the words post, metal, math, rock using as many of each word as you wish, in any order that you wish.
We all led previous lives in bands such as State of Serenity, project-7 and knilt. After brief stints as samurais and timelords we pursued this path.
Tom used to play bass but left to forfill his dream of full time squid hunter.
Don't feed us after midnight, we turn into hellbeasts.
"What came next, however, was so spectacular and powerful it could have soundtracked the moon’s conversion from a glowing, white golf ball into a fearsome, reddish planet. io’s brand of post-rock manages to meld Explosions in the Sky’s melodic, delicate guitars with Isis’ metal sensibility resulting in an explosive, spine-tingling set which blew the crowd away".
Sandman Magazine, March 2007
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We're booking time to record in dub:rek studios in derby today. Dates are the 9th and 10th of june and we aim to have it released by the bossk show in birmingham. So bring like money. Clothes are optional as we will also be selling some kind of t shirts. Maybe glowsticks too.
Toodles xxShows