Doctor Dropo profile picture

Doctor Dropo

Singer and composer from Valencia

About Me

Former member of a rock band called Dropo that worked for some time from 94 to 99. Since 2000 doctor dropo, also known as Pedrotxe, plays in different venues of the valencian country. He likes merging styles, of course, but tries to give a continuity, and a tribute, to the songs of Ovidi Montllor, Raimon, Serrat, Toti Soler, Miquel Gil and other popular songwriters of this Mediterranean country.Visit my website for more details:

My Interests


Member Since: 12/12/2006
Band Website:
Type of Label: None

My Blog

What is a good song?

When you read a text you project yourself in it. The same happens with the songs. When you listen to a song you have to construct it: you project your feelings, your illusions in that song. With your ...
Posted by Doctor Dropo on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 01:11:00 PST

New year, new life?

Beginning this blog, making plans, not sure at all if I will acomplish my goals, but living and loving. At least, loving.
Posted by Doctor Dropo on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 02:10:00 PST