The Lumberjack profile picture

The Lumberjack

I am here for Friends

About Me

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My Interests

Booze, Broads...


Rock, Rap, Hip Hop, Trance, Altcunt, Rockabilly, Classic Rock, Fratrock, and Chickrock, but Poprocks are my favorite! Basically any thing that doesn't suck, like this new country and commercial pop shit


Too many to list... as long as it isn't addvertised as "The feel good movie of the year."


My A.D.D. wont allow me to watch entire shows, I channel surf as soon as the commercial starts and forget what I was watching... I'm glad that god invented tivo!


MAD, Cracked, Penthouse Forum... Anything with lots of pictures because I can't read.


Keano Reaves and my fantastic, amazing, short, precocious, persnickety, girlfriend VICTORIA